Whether it's self-imposed or not, defenestration is a slasher movie staple. We've seen it a million times- most often it's some girl in her underwear who goes flying out the window in slow motion. Let's celebrate breakaway glass and mannequins, shall we?

I'll start you off with a fairly easy-to-guess flyer- I'll fill you in on the answer tomorrow.
I could be wrong but it sure looks like Friday the 13th Part 4.
I don't recognize it. My first instinct was to say Suspiria, but the girl's clothes don't look right for that movie.
Is that Nancy from Nightmare on Elm Street...?
That's Tina from Friday the 13th part 4 !
What Josh said!
Now I want one of Crispin dancing!
Is it possible that there are more deefenestrations in Friday the 13th than any other horror franchise?
And, hey, we're coming up on May 23, the anniversary of the most famous defenestration in history. Be sure to throw someone you love out a window.
WAY too easy. It's The Final Chapter. Poor Tina. She hoed her way up, just to be thrown back down. :(
Everyone is so good with their answers!
I have to say, F13 4 is FILLED with defenestration!
Even the dog goes FLYING outta the window after he sees Jason, not to mention his teen female owner, forget hername (Feldman's sis).
Man, you know, I had to look twice to see if that was a legwarmer on her right leg. Trick of the light, alas. Were it a leg-warmer, you might have the ultimate '80s horror still...
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