Yessir, those big white bellbottoms surely gave it away- yesterday's diving lassie was none other than Sally (Marilyn Burns) from
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre ('74). The poor tormented thing was so hardcore she had to jump out of a window on
two occasions to get away from Leatherface and Friends. At least she made it out with all her pretty pretty teeth.

OK, here's the next diver...there's a major clue in the photo that should help you get your Jessica Fletcher on and solve the mystery!

At this time, I'd like to extend Happy Valentine's Day wishes to everyone- I've got a super secret Valentine's crush on all of you, except of course for the three of you I really can't stand. Raise a glass, and let's hope no one ends the day stuffed into a dryer at the laundromat.

Happy Valentine's Day, Stacie! Hope someone hucks a bag of money through your living room window. (As St. V. was reputed to have done on more than one occasion...)
I'm going to say A Nightmare on Elm Street 3? It's difficult to say, but I'll go with Patrica Arquette's bum!
Happy V-Day - BITCH!
In the key of Dokken...
"It's the Dream Warriors! Ain't gonna dream no more!"
Argh! Late again!
It's without a doubt Dream Warriors. I was gonna say poltergeist for the sake of it, then I saw the 1428 model on the table, and realised that it was Kristen.
I hope there's more to guess at.
Oh, and Happy Valentine's Days!
Man, I totally suck at defenestration identification. Wow, there's sentence I never thought I'd write...
I just saw that film yesterday! I'm slashing my way through the 7 dvd box-set and I'm loving every second of it! Haven't seen those films since they came out on VHS.
Tonight I'm at number 6 and back then it was my favorite, because it was so deliciously stupid- Hope that still holds!
nightmare three. nightmare three. i'm so late that being a parrot is all i can be.
better stay up late.
That would be Patricia Arquette's stuntperson's bum.
I love Mable in MBV. She rules!
Didn't it seem she had something going on with both of those older guys? Maybe not... I like to think though... ;)
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