Because I am unoriginal, I have decided to partake in this challenge myself this year. However, since we booted 2009 to the curb and thus find ourselves soaking in 2010, I'm taking it upon myself to up the ante: 10 categories, 10 movies within each, finished by the end of '10. Not only is this more appropriate to the year at hand, but the "101010" in "101010 Challenge" looks like binary code, which is neat (but it isn't, which is sad). Also, this somehow ties into and satisfies my fetish for the AM radio station 1010 WINS, out of NYC (all news, all the time!). Don't ask me what that's about, because I'm not entirely sure. The best I can figure, there's something about the fake newsroom/news ticker that's constantly playing in the background that tickles me.
I've chosen my 10 categories. Read on to find out how this shit is gonna get all interactive, which is very futuristic and 2010-y.
1) 10 Italian horror movies - from giallo to gut-munching zombies, it's all fair game.
2) 10 black & white/classic horror movies - otherwise, I'll keep putting 'em off as they don't usually fit with Final Girl's "mission statement", though that's changed considerably since I launched this site.
3) 10 sequels - if you don't know what a sequel is, then you should go look it up.
4) 10 Asian horror movies - did you know that there's more to Asian horror cinema than ghost girls with long, wet hair? It's true! Or so they say...I guess we'll find out together.
5) 10 lesbian vampire movies - because every time you watch a lesbian vampire movie, an angel gets its wings...or so my gym teacher always told me.

7) 10 movies pulled from my 50-packs - I've got several of those cheap 50-packs, so this will help me crank through 'em a bit. Chances are, the movies will be pure crap, but that is the risk I take as a horror blogger, where life is lived on the edge.
8) 10 horror movies viewed in a theater - this will undoubtedly be the toughest category to complete, for I am a bitter, misanthropic recluse who rarely opens the curtains, never mind actually leaves the house.
9) 10 monster movies - same deal as with category #2.
10) 10 movies chosen by YOU - In the comments, recommend a movie for me to watch. From all the titles submitted, I'll choose 10 to satisfy this hungry, hungry category. I only ask that PLEASE, check my review list before suggesting a film; every time you nominate something I've already reviewed, an angel gets punched in the face.
There you go, homeslices, the categories for the 101010 Challenge. Wait, I like this name better: OPERATION: 101010. As I noted, it sounds vaguely binary...the addition of "operation" makes it seem as if I'll be parachuting into the jungle to watch these movies. While wearing a headband.
And brandishing an AK-47.
And singing "When Will I See You Again" by The Three Degrees.
Ooooh, precious moments....
EDITED TO ADD: Though this may be foolhardy, I'm going to put movies in one category only. For example, if I watch Onibaba, I wouldn't count that towards Asian AND black & white. Only one or the other. So there.
Looking at your list of film reviews, I see no entry under Q. Why not watch Larry Cohen's "Q the Winged Serpent" wth Michael Moriarity and David Carradine. It's a nice little odd duck of a monster movie and will help fill that glaring void on your review list that has cost you so many sleepless nights (I don't know what to tell you about X and Y.)
I may just do something similar. Because I am unoriginal, but taste great with chicken. I'm told. By cannibals. In dreams.
Ooh, ooh, ooh... Adam Mason's Broken or The Devil's Chair for category 10. Pretty please.
Did you ever get around to watching Bone Yard? I've been dying to hear your thoughts on it!
I'm gonna have to go with "Death Bed: The Bed That Eats"
Trust me.
Glad to see the 999 spirit continue!!!! I found that watching the flicks wasn't the main issue but I failed miserably when it came to writing about them. Really proud of Mermaid Heather who in my opinion passed the challenge as she started with a month delay in February. Really looking forward to your posts about 101010
I am stealing this idea.
Here are my suggestions for category 10:
**Alucarda (!!!!!)
**Flesh For Frankenstein (aka. Andy Warhol's Frankenstein)
**Grapes Of Death
**Private Parts (1972)
**Werewolves On Wheels
Those are all personal favorites of mine. :)
Oh, and if you want to make it interesting I'd be willing to participate in this challenge, too. Yeah, I don't have a lot going on. I think out of all of those categories, #8 is the most intimidating.
Otto; or Up With Dead People. I would love to see your views on that one.
No loving for Race With The Devil on your blog seems a little unlikely, but it’s true – how have you missed that one?
Bandaged, should it come out on DVD this year, has no vampires but is all you could hope for from a lesbian retelling of Eyes Without A Face. Incidentally, you have yet to cover Eyes Without A Face here (a good one for the Black and White category, perhaps?).
Plus, Tim Butler pointed out that you look short of reviews under Q, Y, and Z – so how about Quatermass 2 (black and white...), Xtro (or one of the even weaker sequels) and Yeti (which is horrendous, butI could have sworn you had reviewed somewhere...)?
Audition for category 10, although it fits with category 4, I guess. Or a movie were and angel gets punched... Cigarette burns, maybe?
I think I already mentioned back around Halloween, but let me reiterate my rabid enthusiasm for Ghostwatch. It's still my favourite faux-documentary horror film (and I liked the Blair Witch Project plenty). I'm about 95% sure you'd think it's awesome.
(Also: 100 more Final Girl reviews in 2010? Awesome.)
Now seriously, you guys are awesome- keep 'em comin'! I fear this is going to be another "What the hell was I thinking??" things down the road, but I'm excited to watch some stuff I may not have normally chosen.
Aaron - I've seen and reviewed Alucarda already...now an angel gets punched! That movie is crazy.
Nowtas - I didn't do a formal review of Yeti, but I've seen it and I wrote about it at AMC...if it's the same Yeti.
What I'm MOST excited about is that this will FINALLY force me to watch Audition!!!
Holger, I'm with you RE: writing reviews. I watch many movies intending to write about them, then for whatever reason it doesn't happen. Bleh. That'll be the biggest hurdle!
I promised myself not to attempt this feat again, but am now seriously considering a 101010 Lite.... and simply tweet about those 100 films as opposed to writing full blog posts.
Vinyan! It's one of those movies I don't really know what to think about, and I'd like to hear your expert opinion...
Good luck with the challenge Stacie. I would go along with you on it, but I promised myself I would just take it easy this year and not worry about challenges and stuff. 100 films is a lot, but if anyone can get it done, it be you!
My choices for audience choice:
Chopping Mall also known as Killbots
Cemetary Man also known as Dellamorte Dellamore
Soriety Babes in the Slime Bowl-O-Rama
And non-horror but Rad because its rad and has Lori Laughlin slow dancing on a bike to Send Me an Angel
Hmm...my message got cut off...
Okay, let's see...
"Phantom of the Paradise"
"The Haunted Airman"
I feel you'd greatly enjoy The Deadly Spawn. It inhabits that magical area of a good good movie that has qualities of a good bad movie. Does that make sense?
OK, so I have announced my Operation: 101010 Lite Twitter participation: http://hammerandbeyond.blogspot.com/2010/01/operation-101010-lite.html
There's a movie I saw on the telly called 'Gravedancers' starring the one guy from Prison Break. Y'know, the one that looks like Commander Shepherd from Mass Effect? Neeway...
I remember that it was a pretty cool ghost story with some genuine creepy moments and I said to myself, 'Wowzers, I've found myself a hidden gem!' But then... the ending. Oh my GOD this movie loses it's F-ing mind. The last 15-20 min are soooo crazy bad they have to be seen to be believed. The climax is literally a game of football with a severed head.
Niiiice. Good luck with this. It will either boost you into a new realm or totally destroy you. Both options have their good points, I suppose.
As for recommendations, did you every see "May"? If not, I nominate that wonderful flick. See ya in the funny pages...
Well, it's really only, what, about 2 reviews per week? Give or take? I should be doing that anyway- this just means that I'll HAVE to so I don't look like a tool. Sometimes I need a kick in the arse, or a deadline, or something...lest I do NOTHING.
Yay! Great suggestions, kids. Keep 'em coming!! I like choices.
"Arse"? Are you becoming Madonna? Do you speak with a cheesy British-y accent now? Just askin'... :-)
You should absolutely review Flesh for the Beast, Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter or maybe King of the Ants. All are fantastic films!
First, since you already mentioned it yourself, you do need to get some "Onibaba" action in 2010.
My nomination for you is: "Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things" (1973)
"Do you speak with a cheesy British-y accent now?"
Doesn't everyone?
Neon Maniacs
A French film called Mutants. It has people vomiting blood for...like...five minutes. I am curious to see your response.
Such an awesome idea! Can't wait to see what you end up watching. As far as recommendations you should definitely watch Tenebre, it's a giallo flick and it's fuckin phenomenal. Also I agree with Theron that you should check out May, really great movie. Good luck with this!
Along with Holger up there, I'm all in on the challenge. Good luck!
How about...
Theatre of Blood (1973)
The Masque of the Red Death (1964)
Dr. Jekyll and Sister Hyde (1971)
The Devil Rides Out (1968)
Night of the Eagle (1962)
Horrors of the Black Museum (1959)
The House That Dripped Blood (1971)
The Abominable Dr. Phibes (1971)
Dr. Phibes Rises Again (1972)
Dr. Terror's House of Horrors (1965)
House of Wax (1953) (the Vincent Price one)
Wow! I just checked your review list again and there's no "Re-animator" or "From Beyond", two of Stuart Gordon's best. A cartoon review of either would be much appreciated.
You always come up with great lil' interactives, Miss Stacie;-) Can't wait to read about your experiences in watching these films.
I have a film for you to watch! It's called: "Friday the 13th: Part 79: Jason is Sent to Jupiter on a Mission of Mercy". Oh, pardon me, that film hasn't been made....YET!... Must be my psychic (or 'psychotic') intuitions.
Ten Recommended by Me:
Hunchback of the Morgue - Just saw and fell in LOVE with this, one of Paul Naschy's (R.I.P.) weirdest and best.
House (Hausu) - This off-the-freakin'-wall little gem from Japan is (finally!!!) making the theatrical rounds, and it is all kinds of AWESOME, even without subtitles, which is how I originally saw it.
The New York Ripper - Whatever anyone thinks about it, there is no denying the special loving care that went into scraping the sleaze-barrel for this one. Despite the title, it IS Italian.
Shivers a.k.a. They Came From Within - They're squishy, bloody, disgusting, and super hawt!
The Gore Gore Girls - It probably helps if you watch it with a bunch of friends who are all really high. It's definitely not boring.
Bloody Pit of Horror - Goofy Italian muscleman vs. cheesecake classick. What is not to love here? Available for FREE on the Internet Archive!
Commonwealth (La Comunidad) - Since there's no decent US release of Day of the Beast, this wicked black comedy from Alex de la Iglesia will do nicely.
The Stendhal Syndrome - So much rightness and wrongness in one movie. One of my favorites by Argento, but that's probably a minority opinion.
Who Can Kill a Child? - The premise has been getting ripped off lately, but this is still the one.
Sisters - TWO Margot Kidders and a great big bloody fuckin' knife - I can't believe you haven't already reviewed this.
And I have to second Onibaba, Cemetery Man, and Flesh for Frankenstein.
Okay, I just finished watching an 80's homage flick called "The House of The Devil" (a 2009 movie that will be released on dvd (and VHS!) on Feb 2nd) (Yes, I watched a bootleg copy lol) If there was ever a movie that you should watch and review it's this one! I was ONLY very impressed by the fact that I really felt like I was watching an early 80's flick. They really did a great job capturing the early 80's. But, OMG talk about slow! They really really really paid homage to the slowness of some of the early 80's flicks. Tons of scenes of the heroine just walking and walking and walking and searching and searching and walking and walking! While I was watching it, I thought about you reviewing this and how I knew I'd get a kick out of that review!
I didn't see Let the Right One In on the review list, so I'll nominate that for the "chosen by you" category.
Or, for something less artsy, Puppet Master from Full Moon. Awesome!
So, I was THEORETICALLY also doing the 999 Movie Challenge last year, but I was SUCH a lame-ass, I wound up seeing only 14 of the 81 films...in 2009.
So, I've been trying to cheat my ass off and see the other 67 films in January.
Hey, it's do-able!
Especially since I'm home from work on disability for a couple more months.
Anyway, because I'm a jerk who lives in denial, I thought I'd attempt to do ANOTHER movie challenge again this year, but of course, that meant it would have to be the 10-10-10 Movie Challenge.
Well, now I learn YOU'RE doing the same thing here! Well, the 10-10-10thing, not the laming out of the 999 thing...
Well, all I can say is-- COOL!
I guess I'm just commenting to say that that's so cool that your doing this insane challenge and also to disclaim that I didn't steal this idea from you-- however, as to OTHER ideas or comments I may have stolen from you, uh-- I have to go now..!
This is great. Now I'm waffling about whether I should steal your idea and attempt the same thing.
Anyway, my recommendation would be In My Skin, if you haven't seen it before. Every horror fan should see it, and yet I have a feeling that it's off the radar of a lot of horror fans. It's amazing.
Wait, I think I tried to post this before, but how haven't you ever reviewed Maximum Overdrive? I don't mean to double-post, but, I mean, Stephen King directs ('sup Creepshow), an all-AC/DC soundtrack, Emilio Estevez and Lisa Simpson star, there's a haunted bread-cutter AND a haunted arcade game AND a haunted soda machine AND a haunted machine gun, and there's a scene that made George Romero throw up.
I don't see Cherry Falls on the list, so that's my suggestion for category 10 (because I just watched it and I'm too lazy to actually think about something else).
Cool challenge though, I might actually have to attempt this.
Cherry Falls was one of Stacies' "Best of the 00's". She's seen it, though apparently never reviewed it. :)
Thom's right, although I have talked about wanting to review it for some time. Bleh, there are so many movies out there I've seen 1-100 times, but have never reviewed...stuff like, yeah, Re-Animator and the such. Maybe next year for the 111111 challenge I'll do "Stuff I've seen 1-100 Times But I've Never Reviewed"...
Ooh... how about some more Cronenberg? Videodrome, Dead Ringers, Rabid...
I would also suggest Malefique. It was a bitch to track down, but it was a neat little film with a Twilight Zone quality to it.
Shadow of the Vampire is another good one - interesting, melancholy scenes with a bit of a scenery chew-off between John Malkovich and Willem Dafoe.
And, for some delicious absurdity, bad acting, and the best line ever in any movie - Mindhunters! The tastiest of cheese, as any movie starring both Christian Slater and Val Kilmer AND directed by Renny Harlin. It changed my life, and I feel I must spread its gospel.
Charlotte, I am totally in love with you for mentioning Mindhunters. I want to start a cult based on that cheese fest.
Here are my suggestions:
"Blood Roses": Classy Italian, Hammer-style lesbian vampires.
"Vampyros Lesbos": Funky, jazzy, swingin' 70s lesbian vampires.
"The Hunger": 80s lesbian vampires, inc. Bowie, Deneuve, & Sarandon- plus bonus Bauhaus!
"Audition": a must, but Miike's other stuff is also excellent, particularly "Gozu," "Ichi" & "Fudoh." They're like over-the-top gore fu on a stick. Fantastic!
"Tourist Trap": underrated freaky mannequin movie w/ Tanya Roberts & Chuck Conners.
"Lunatics: A Love Story": I seem to recall u liking Deborah Foreman. She's in this underrated cult gem w/ Bruce Campbell. "Sundown" also has the twosome, & is fun, too.
"The Host": Asian monster movie, redefines the genre, w/ up-to-date F/X & massive carnage. Better than any given Syfy cheesefest by a mile.
That's off the top of my head, maybe more later!
You should check out "I, Madman". Bad (yet enjoyable) acting/dialogue balanced out by an interesting premise + Jenny Wright
You have to see The Collector, absolutely brutal movie.
Asian films - UGETSU,
And on another tangent - for next year, grab the THRILLER set when it comes out later this year... the anthology show with Boris Karloff. It starts off as mystery, but slides into horror pretty quickly.
The Gore Gore Girls is unwatchably offensive, and I love it.
But since you have now stated you LIKED (gasp!) The Ruins, I suggest that you review that movie before I break up with this blog.
Heh, it'll be a while before I get around to reviewing The Ruins. Too much I haven't seen to get to first. Yeah, I liked it. I didn't love it, but I liked it and I was entertained. For now, we'll just have to agree to disagree. :)
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