Although it bears a few distinctive hallmarks, the 1971 Shelley Winters vehicle Whoever Slew Auntie Roo? is a wheezy, rheumy gasp in the death throes of the Hag Horror cycle. Not eerie enough to be unsettling nor outrageous enough to be camp, Auntie Roo is just...sort of...there, lulling you to sleep. Auntie Roo only wants a hug, but she smells of mothballs and ripple.

Winters stars as Rosie "Auntie Roo" Forrest, a Vaudeville dancer-turned magician's wife-turned widow. She lives all alone in a drafty mansion mourning the death of her daughter Katherine (tragic banister accident) as any grieving mother would: by singing to Katherine's dessicated corpse, which has been locked away in the nursery.

Uninvited orphans Christopher and Katy sneak in to the party, and Auntie Roo takes a shine to the girl, who reminds her of her dead daughter. She offers to adopt Katy, but not her brother; Roo eventually kidnaps the girl, stashing her in the nursery. Christopher returns for his sister, convinced that Roo is actually a witch who enjoys eating children. Is he right, or has he simply read Hansel and Gretel a few too many times? However will the children escape the clutches of the evil Aunt Roo? Whoever really cares?

I was extremely disappointed with this one- I loves me some Hag Horror! Whoever Slew Auntie Roo? is no Strait-Jacket, and to compare it to Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? will likely earn you a place in the fifth circle of Hell. Shelley Winters collects a paycheck, unable to muster real tears when the need arises, although she's not given much to work with. Her hysteria is a dull roar, and there's no damn slewin' to be found. Children are frequently capable of inventing stories for people, imagining them to be witches and monsters and the like; as kids, most everyone heard (or told) about that weird old lady who lives in that weird old house. Her doorbell was only rung as a result of a double dog dare. That notion, explored more fully, could have made Auntie Roo more compelling. Or screw it- why not go there? Why not make the "witch" a witch? Have her cookin' up those orphans like so many holiday turkeys.
Of course, it doesn't pay to sit around and criticize a film for what it's not...so, I'll criticize it for what it is: a drab, boring disappointment.
I've been lurking around for a while, but this is my first post. Love your blog!
I'll admit to having a bit of a soft spot for Auntie Roo. You're right--it's not fit to carry Strait-Jacket's axe, nor is it on par with another Shelley Winters-starred hag flick, What's the Matter with Helen? But Winters gives a solid performance. Too bad her material failed her. Winters could never have campted it up as good as Ms. Crawford would have if given similiar material, but she tries her best. She just should have dropped those brats into some melting caramel and been done with the whole matter! Joanie would have done that without batting a lash!
I saw this film as a child, when it was first released. It sure spooked me then. I've wondered for years if I'd like it now--and thanks to you, I think I know the answer.
I'll go order THE STEPFATHER dvd instead.
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