FINAL GIRL explores the slasher flicks of the '70s and '80s...and all the other horror movies I feel like talking about, too. This is life on the EDGE, so beware yon spoilers!

Mar 29, 2006

string around your finger

Don't forget to add to your PalmPilot, BlackBerry, DayPlanner, DilbertDeskCalendar, or PreciousMomentsWallCalendar:

The introductory meeting of the Final Girl Film Club is nigh!

The movie: Bloody Murder
The due date: Monday, April 3

I've heard some bad things about the movie, but fear not, my little babies. We're sure to get some clunkers, but that's part of the thrill, right? Right?! I mean, what kind of risk does Oprah take when she chooses East of fucking Eden for her book club? None. Zero. She's playin' it safe, the wimp. Remember, kids- there's the edge...and there's the Final Girl Film Club on it.

Did you miss the original post about the Film Club? You can get all the info you need right here. If you're going to review the movie on your own site as well, be sure to link to it in the comments section here.


The Retropolitan said...

I should get the video from Netflix tonight! I'm very excited.

Heather Santrous said...

Well hurry up and watch it so I can get it next lol. Still shows a short wait on my list.

Stacie Ponder said...

That's hilarious. I'm sure Netflix is wondering why there's suddenly such demand for some piece of crap movie!

I'm actually venturing to the video store for my's been awhile. Actually, I haven't been there since I racked up $50 in fees for holding onto 2 Uwe Boll movies for about a month.

My secret shame.

Goose said...

I don't think I will get the movie on time but I think the film club is a great idea.

John Barleycorn said...

Bloody Murder is shipping to me today. I'm in, Stacie. This'll be a delicious, nostalgic adventure for me, as I've seen the film back when I was a wee teenager workin' at a video store in his hometown. I was such a zit-faced loser ... and now I'm a zit-faced winner! Because I have Bloody Murder.

The Retropolitan said...

I sent my copy back to Netflix this morning, so it should be ready tomorrow for whoever's next in line.

The Retropolitan said...

My verification word this time was "Chilzo." Any relation to Smenita?

Stacie Ponder said...

I think 'Chilzo' is the newest offering from Taco Bell. It has 7 layers of cheese and some spicy, kickin' chicken!

Heather Santrous said...

Netflix says they are shiping me a copy today but hasn't updated the time of arrival yet. Hopefully I will get it and watch it in time.

Anonymous said...

I've got my copy, and I'll be watching it this weekend. I'll be ready for the inaugural meeting of the Film Club by Monday . . . !

John Barleycorn said...

Now I'm halfway towards drunk so I think it's time to watch Bloody Murder.

false-maria said...

I am so psyched for Silent Hill, omfg... thanks for the images.

hey Stacie, have you seen The Lost yet (based on a Jack Ketchum book)? I saw it at South by Southwest along with Slither and it *blew Slither away*, really. Anyway, see it and review it--I would love to hear what you think :-)
trailer here:

Stacie Ponder said...

I haven't seen The Lost or even heard of it until now! Havne't read the book, either. I feel so...out of touch.

It looks like it could be really good, though. I'm keeping my eyes peeled and I'll definitely review it when I get a chance to see it!