I don't think anyone could have predicted that the last man standing in The Evil Dead would go on to become a favorite character. People loves some Ash! I wonder how many heads will explode when a casting decision is made should the Diablo Cody-penned E.D. remake come to pass.
Gill-Man (Creature from the Black Lagoon)

What is it about ol' Gilly? I can't quite say, but I know he's always been my favorite movie monster. There's something so cool about him...and believe me, I know cool! One time I saw Rick Springfield in concert.
Wow. I picked the Creature ... and I saw Rick Springfield in concert too (they were free tickets at the last minute, but still).
Gill-Man was one of the only two characters who got multiple votes!? There is a God! And he's amphibious!
Hey, Final Girl, I looked for a contact link and couldn't find one, so I apologize for posting this in your comments. I absolutely love your site. You are so awesome that I secretly wish I could be you. I guess the secret is out now. Anyway, I posted a link to your site from my blogroll and am curious if you would consider linking to mine? www.funwithhorror.com Thank you for your consideration!
Because I had to write a paper last night, I am pleased to announce that Halloween has been held over for an extra day. Everyone please put your costumes back on, relight those jack-o'-lanterns, and start drinking!
Love the Creature also, I think I became aware of him before the rest of the Universal Monsters when I was a kid.
Rick fuckin' Springfield!
Do you dream of those luscious Gill-Man lips on yours? While wearing a white one-piece?
Any remake makes me nervous but "Evil Dead" has my spidey-senses tingling after "Jennifer's Body." Cody has some impressive work but horror comedy doesn't seem to be her genre.
Has anyone read the script? Please tell me my fears are misguided.
Can't say that I do, PAC Squad. Can't say that I do.
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