Man oh man! Between
My Bloody Valentine 3D and tonight when I
might just be going to see something that rhymes with "shmiday shma shmirteenf", I gotta tell ya- I've been stricken with a bad case of THE SLASHERS! Actually, that sounds like something you may suffer should you travel to Mexico and unwittingly drink the water. Let's say...I've got SLASHER FEVER! Because I
do. And here are the posters to prove it!
I love love love the poster for
The Prowler. And yes, those are posters for
Alice, Sweet Alice with one of its alternative titles,
Holy Terror (the third title is
So many pointy objects, masks, people running in terror, and hulking kookadooks standing both silhouetted and menacing!

I hate you for seeing the new Friday the 13th movie before me. I was hoping that seeing it on opening day would make me cool and Jodie Foster would start answering my letters. :'(
Great selection! "The Prowler" one is so classy and ahead of it's time. On the other hand, "Final Terror" looks like something I drew on notebook paper in my Trapper Keeper circa 1982. My favorite of all time though is probably HBTM. I'm a sucker for gratuitous text!-Unk
As silly as it may sound, I've always been a fan of Night School (and its poster).
Nice ones! I am also partial to the artwork for The Mutilator and Bloody Birthday (the one with the fingers for candles!). I've done a lot of versions of slasher posters, if anyone wants to check them out:
And yes, I'm jealous about Friday the 13th!
Yeah, baby! Have a few of these goodies in the Slasher Speak montage as well.
Now, if all you slasher fans would just channel all this creative energy:!)
I just watched my first Norwegian slasher, COLD PREY. Pretty cool. Is Padalecki gonna be at Fri the 13th? He's dreamy.
this post confirms that Final Girl is THE MOST AWESOME SITE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNETS
Wow, flash back! I used to have that Terror Train poster on my bedroom wall.
Wasn't "Holy Terror" also known as "Alice, Sweet Alice"?
And I find it amusing that some actors from "That's So Raven" are in the "Friday the 13th" remake. (Travis Van Winkle played Ben, Chelsea's boyfriend who's also psychic, and Ryan Hansen, who was part of the band Boyz in Motion, which also had that ass-hat Michael Copon...the guy who kept saying he was going to be in the "Twilight" sequel? Yeah, those dudes. :) )
"TOURIST TRAP" = my second favorite movie of all time.
"Wasn't "Holy Terror" also known as "Alice, Sweet Alice"?"
There are words on this post too! :P
You'd think in amongst the thirty eight paragraphs of text on the "Happy Birthday to Me" poster they might have explained why JOHN WILL NEVER EAT SHISH KEBAB AGAIN. Is he on a diet? Is he vegetarian? Does he have a thing against Middle Eastern style cuisine in general?
You may think I'm being facetious, and that it's obvious he gets killed and that's why JOHN WILL NEVER EAT SHISH KEBAB AGAIN. But surely if that's his fate then he'll never eat anything again. There's room on that poster to list at least 100 different foods John won’t be eating any more. I’m just sayin’.
I'm with you on the case of the Slashers. I've been re-watching some classics lately. Very much enjoyed MBK3D, it was great to see a slasher flick in theatres. I want to see F13 (2.0), even if it's already breaking rules (Jason doesn't run). Maybe we'll get luck and have another slasher revival like back in the 70's & 80's.
BTW, got a favorite slasher?
Ah, slashers. My favorite subgenre!
I actually own that My Bloody Valentine poster, and I love it. Of course, I also own the one with the miner's mask and like three variations of MBV3D, because I'm cool like that.
But you missed one of my favoritess-- Sleepaway Camp, with the knife through the sneaker. I love that one-- I also love the April Fools' Day poster, but I guess if you posted every amazing slasher poster, we'd be here for a long time.
GAH! I hated that "Tourist Trap" poster AND the movie's TV ad - they both scared the heck out of me back in the day and still unnerve me now!
You are a cool one, FG; so many posters to revisit, so little time.
Wow! Cool posters. You've got an awesome blog.
That "Terror Train" poster almost makes me recall the movie more fondly! And why wasn't "Alice, Sweet Alice" as good as the "Holy Terror" posters make it look?
Ack! It's not bad enough that Jared Padalecki is in "Friday the 13th", but now I need to anticipate the cast of "That's So Raven", too? Really, could it get any worse? I'm still hoping against hope that it's going to be awesome. Hopefully this news will temper my expectations enough that I will really enjoy it. Please let it be good! I'm off to watch some "That's So Raven" online....
Man, what has happened to the American Horror poster? You get some Photoshop artists and they think they can do better.
Jeez, you really are the female version of me. Only smarter. And probably more attractive.
The poster for "The Final Terror" was pretty damned awesome.
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