Sep 29, 2010
What a wonderful day...
...to go see The Exorcist! Well, tomorrow, I mean. DUDES. Are you going to see The Exorcist extended director's cut in theaters tomorrow? One day only! New behind-the-scenes footage! IT'S THE EXORCIST AND IT'S PLAYING IN THEATERS FOR ONE DAY. I find this very exciting, and therefore I am going. Man, classic horror on the big screen- so effing cool I can barely take it. Click here to find out where it's playing near you and then go. If I go and you go, it will be sort of like we're going together even though we're not. Won't that be neat? Yes. Yes, it will. Righteous. See you there! (not really) (but sort of) (okay, not really)

do what I tell you to do
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Is this different from "The Version You've Never Seen"?
Pretty sure the only new footage will be the behind-the-scenes stuff. This is to coincide with the Blu-Ray release, which will have oodles of new documentaries and the such, from what I understand. So...no, I guess!
see now if y'all moved your operation south you could enjoy horror on the big screen a whole lot: http://festivals.carolinatheatre.org/retrofantasma/
I saw "The Exorcist" for the first time when I was in grade school. It was the version shown on network television, and even with all of the editing, it scared me plenty. In 1990, I saw and loved "Exorcist 3," and a few years later, decided to re-visit the original. I rented the letter-boxed VHS version, turned off all the lights, pumped up the stereo, and let it fly. GOD, what a great night for a nerdy horror fan. I will never forget seeing this amazing film as an adult and suddenly getting all of its nuance and craftsmanship. I now try to do this at least once a year or so; it's that great. And needless to say, I saw the re-release and loved it too, even the controversial "new" material.
I love, love, love this film. Thanks for the post, Stacie!
Is anyone seeing this in NYC? Because I'll be there with the Horror meetup group.
Dang, I'm working tonight...but I got a PS3 so I can rent the Blu-Ray, so it all works out. :) (Besides, I'm not sure if I really WILL freak out with all the other movie patrons around, so maybe it's best I watch it at home. :D )
When I saw this in the theatre last time it was re-released, some idiot would not get the hell off his cell phone. He also laughed every time someone on screen cursed. Had I thought ahead to bring a knife, someone would have left without a tongue.
No respect for the classics.
I have my ticket to go. I am looking forward to going. I have watched the original, and the directors cut on DVD, but I have never watched it on the big screen. I will be heading there with a couple of friends, but I will still pretend that you are there as well Stacie!
I'll wait for the dvd release.
Went to see it at the AMC in St. Louis today. The film is just as strong of a masterpiece as I remember it to to be--although a couple of things seemed new. The pea soup appeared to be have projected longer this time; I'm assuming Friedkin made some CGI enhancements there. And I'm not sure I remember Regan screaming "LICK ME!" and shoving her mother down into herself in the earlier cuts, either... maybe my memory of the earlier cuts is a bit hazy, but I'm sure that was new, too!
Thanks for posting this! I saw it just in time to hop in the ol' Honda and putter over to the local theater. My God, the tickets were expensive, but it was worth it. What a great, great movie that really benefits from the big screen.
Didn't find the documentary to be any great shakes, though. Just a bunch of talking heads telling me what I already knew. I enjoyed the early Dick Smith makeup test footage.
I avoided it, because The Version You've Never Seen depresses me. Warner is calling it "the director's cut" now - but the original was actually Friedkin's original cut, and the things that came out, interesting as some of them are, all came out for good reason. They would make great DVD supplements, but, for me, that cut is just more obvious, more superficial and preachy, draggy in places, DEFINITELY less scary. It's more like a regular horror movie, whereas the strength of the original was that it was paced and structured like a prestige drama, and THAT'S what really makes it work for me.
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