I packed this one with more people than ever I've packed a thing before. Shannon Lark, Heidi Martinuzzi, Lena Headey, Nicole Pacent, Thomas Dekker, Amanda Deibert, Jade & Nikita Ramsey, Brea Grant, Stacey Storey, Pete Loughran, Anthony Fitzgerald, Blue, Hot Cocoa...it's like Battle of the Network Stars or something. Hooray! Here are some stills you can print out and tape to your bedroom walls. Then pull up your pants and get ready for IN SATAN'S CLOSET!

I have to take offense with the scene of the woman (I guess that would be Shannon) that is forced to cough up a real tarantula. I'm glad you brought your Fulci-ceentric vision to vivid life, but I don't think that poor spider signed off on going through all that, being squeezed through someone's throat whilst covered in saliva (spiders can't hold a pen, after all). Tarantulas may be ugly, evil, stupid, and poisonous, but they too have rights (and feelings). Expect a nasty letter form the arachnid division of PETA sometime in the near future. Other than that, that was pretty fucking righteous.
Yeah! As a great man once said... That's what I'm talkin' 'bout!!
That score in the first half of it is so awesomely Fulci-like, I'll feel a bit of a fool if you tell me it actually WAS from a Lucio Fulci movie.
And you've got creepy possessed chicks, Heidi Martinuzzi in a nun outfit (*crosses sexual fantasy #32 off the list*) and demonic talking kitties.
And can I propose that Lena Heady change her name officially to 'The Lovely Lena Heady' by deed poll?
You got it, Cash- it's all "real" music; Fabio Frizzi's scores from THE BEYOND and CITY OF THE LIVING DEAD, and Goblin's from PROFONDO ROSSO and BUIO OMEGA. I figured I'd just use the real stuff rather than searching endlessly for songs of the right flavor. This is just a YouTube video, so I figured there's really no harm in it.
Until I get a cease and desist or something. :D It's a TRIBUTE!
Honestly, I could watch a whole movie about those cats- they were CREEEEPY. And kinda cute.
Thomas- you ARE joking, right?
Verification word- "conswar"- the sequel to ConAir, wherein the air Force is transporting prisoners in F16's. Hilarity ensues.
I am DEAD serious. That spider was obviously very very very very real, and she really did cough it up in really real life and stuff. Are you calling Stacie a liar?
I also enjoy it when the verification code spells out an actual word, especially when it's an insult. "Conswar" could also be a sequel to The Grifters, where they get frustrated and start shooting each other.
Whatever you paid Heidi, it wasn't enough. That final "money shot" was the most disgusting thing I've seen since the pooping scene in The Descent: Part 2.
Absolutely wonderful! I think my favorite was actually the shadow on the wall of her grabbing the cross. Smooth editing in that whole sequence. So, necklaces made from the Aerosmith logo cause satanic manifestations. The youth pastor did warn us about that.
That was awesome! I'm still not quite sure the one nun didn't just grab the cross right back though. "No, no, you are NOT going to masturbate with this. This is MY cross, MINE." I mean, she enough time to do it.
Also, ever since I found out through you that the actress who played Pazuzu was named Eileen, every time I see a picture of that face, I think, "Come on, Eileen!" and that actually makes the experience that much better.
I would love to be a fly on the wall of the costume shop when you try and explain the crusty stains on the nun's habit.
Sweet trailer, Stacie. Fulci would be proud (and, frankly, a little envious).
That was wonderful! No less coherent than most Fulci films and it gets the job done in 1/10th of the time. Bravo!
so when does satan actually "come out" of the closet? (i always KNEW he was gay...) and will there be a sequel? will the sequel star members of the village people? will they (the village people) be on the side of good or bad in the sequel? will the US government formally apologize to the north american indian village persun for former crimes against his ancestors in the sequel? these questions need to be answered ms. ponder. the viewing public has a right to know...
is that mr. loughran? awesome! now you got thomas dekker to be on this vid! Lovely Lena is back. And hey, the pig mask is back too!
Did I hear a Latifah in the chants? This looks ridiculous. RIDICULOUSLY AWESOME!
Nothing says true horror like people running as fast as they can very, very slowly.
Brilliant brilliant brilliant!
IN SATAN'S CLOSET... there is a lot of polyester and corduroy.
My verification word was "logyngu" which I take to be a sleepy dyslexic ungulate of the Savannah region.
This is something that we shouldn't miss! It's absolutely amazing!!!
Trailer of the YEAR. This totally made my day!
Loved it! And how great is it to see THAT THING from from "Space Girls" on screen again? That's some kitty.
Seriously awesome!
Loved it! So Satan is the cloaked figure that passes eerily through a couple scenes, who may be a mannish woman or perhaps a smallish man who's had top surgery? Ah hah! So that's the closet reference - Satan is out, and proud of his new look. You go girl, Satan!
The cats - amazing. I want them to talk all the time, in all the movies I see. In that same high, squeeky voice.
Shannon peering around various corners an inordinate number of times was brilliant, as was the grainy opening, complete with hair on the lens, and the zoom in to show the title.
Confused nuns ("the power of Christ compels me"), a floating crucifix in 'Nosferatu'-style shadow and satanic cats all to the 'Profondo Rosso' music. Awesome!
Btw, how come everyone else gets Cthulu-sounding verification words and mine is "wabnoni"? Sounds like an Italian reggae band!
Compliments to your Latinist, Stacie! And, no, Planet, that wasn't Latifah, but laetificat "brings joy to." She's saying, "Hail, Satan, who brings joy to my youth." Which is a paraphrase of a Catholic sacrament, I think…
Coming from you, that's HIGH praise, Bill! Thanks! It's the lyrics from the theme to The Omen, actually. I took Latin in high school and I remembered enough to teach the actress pronunciation and all that. Latin rules! :D
Great movie!!!
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