This post has awakened in me a burning desire to watch Bad Dreams again. I know it's not terribly good, but there will always be a nostalgia-shaped place for it in my heart. Any time my brain goes "It stinks!", my brain then goes "Yeah, but Jennifer Rubin and E.G. Daily and Bruce Abbott and Dean Cameron!" and I want to watch it. Stupid brain!
Oh, and if you want to see more posters from the ever-fabulous Nightmare on Elm Street 3, click here. Or here. Or go find more yourself- see if I care!

You need to tell your brain that Dean Cameron fuckin' rocks, and to stop bossin' you around. I'm gonna rewatch Rockula soon, starring Dean fuckin' Cameron, and my brain can kiss my ass as far as I"m concerned.
Session 9 is one of my all-time favorites.
Richard Lynch is who kicks ass! Tell your brain to shut up or you'll stick a gun down its pants and empty the clip, like he did to that guy in Invasion U.S.A.
Excellent point Tim, but if I'm gonna threaten my brain with a Richard Lynch reference from Invasion USA, I'd go with where he hits the girl in the head while she's snorting coke, jamming the straw up her nose before throwing her through a glass window. At the point, I think my brain would realize what a loose cannon I was and stop fucking with me.
The 'kid' in that last Brood poster looks ridiculous.
'They'll Tear Your Soul Apart... Again'
Hahaha!! That's so stupid, I'll be laughing about it all day.
FUCK Session 9. I saw that shit a few years back and loved it to death. Then the other night my wife gets all lame and goes to bed early on me, leaving me up to entertain myself. I hoped on Netflix and saw Session 9 was up on streaming. I thought to myself "Oh, perfect, it's late at night, and my wife hates these movies, but she's not here. PERFECT!"
Yeah... I didn't sleep much over the next 12 hours... fuck.
The "Nightmare of Elm Street, Part 3" poster is so glorious. It makes the film look like high art! Somehow the designs for "Session 9" are hip in almost every conceivable region - that seems to be a relative rarity.
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