Sorry things are a little light this week, but I've got my head wrapped around
this. But come Monday that'll be finished and I'll be back in Final Girl's ever-lovin' arms for good! And next week will be truly jam-packed: I've got reviews planned for stuff new and old, such as
[REC]2 (spoiler alert: I loved it),
Centurion (spoiler alert: I loved it),
Phantom of the Mall: Eric's Revenge, and more more more. I'm also cooking up some sort of 5th Anniversary celebration, so keep that Riunite on ice for me. It's so very nice.
Oh, and if you want to hear some spoiler-filled talk about
[REC]2 and
Splice (and some not spoiler-filled talk of
Centurion), check out last night's episode of
The Scare-ening. It'll be just like we're hanging out!
After this post, I'm filled with an almost-overwhelming urge to watch
Sleepaway Camp. Arrrgh! "The name is Meg. M-E-G." Ugh, and my beloved Judy. She is a gift that never
ever stops giving.

Ooooh the horse hair...never gets old. I bet she uses it as toilet paper when shes in the wilderness. That's pretty gross but seriously, it's THAT long.
I just watched (and reviewed) Sleepaway Camp for the first time (yeah, I know...crazy huh!) and was shocked by how effective the story was, and even more shocked at how incredibly inept the direction and execution of that great story was. It's an odd slasher that is important because of its shock ending, but I don't think anyone can defend the laziness of the direction (that bee scene was terrible).
The fashion (bring back mesh half-shirts!) was one of the most hilarious parts of the movie, though, and the ending gives the film's horribly blocked moments of violence a pass because of how effective the shock is in the way it makes you rethink the previous 80 minutes. Oh, and I wanted to punch Judy in the stomach! Can't wait to read about [Rec] 2.
Meg's hot.
Thanks for introducing me to Judy. She is the perfect tonic for a rough week!
Along with the 1981 My Bloody Valentine, Sleepaway Camp is easily my favorite movie EVAR.
Andre's comment is 100% perfect.
Wouldn't wearing her ridiculously long hair like that give her neck pain?
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