Hold on and I'll tell you, geez. One week from today marks the 5th birthday of Final Girl. I've got some shenanigans planned, don't worry- although you'll have to supply your own Riunite. I'm starting a bit early, though; this week I've posting my very favorite awesome movies posters from the Awesome Movie Poster Friday archives. I went allllll the way back to AMPF #1 (August 2007- holy crapping crap) and grabbed the various posters that give me a knee-jerk "ME LIKE" reaction.
It has nothing to do with the movies themselves- it's all about the poster art. As to why I chose these, well...some are enticing- you know, suiting their purpose and intriguing me enough to want to see the film. Some are a bit terrifying. Some of them have design that speaks to my brain on some satisfying, primal level. Some of them simply have beautiful art. And for some of them, I'm gonna bust out the style of critique that's stomped on the moment one walks into art school: I dunno, I just like it. I'd put any of these on my wall- actually, one of them is hanging up now.

You'll be the queen of the Five Year Club.*
* That sounded dumb, I know, but anyway.
Gorgeous. I've always loved the Jean Rollin posters; I loved them for almost 20 years before I was even able to see one of the movies.
Who the hell thought it was a good idea to add that "(OBVIOUSLY)" to the Dracula Has Risen from the Grave poster????
And happy fiververssary!
Splinter! Does the inclusion of this poster mean you're also a fan?
Also, why no Scare-ening this week?
that's the awesomest Rose's Baby poster I ever did see.
That ROSEMARY'S BABY poster is one of the amazing Polish movie posters. The NOSFERATU one is a thing of beauty as well.
I know a guy who is a poster and memorabilia seller and those things are very expensive.
Good choices. The "Dream Warriors" one is a favorite.
I was surprised by the on for "Rosemary's Baby"- it's good especially since it's on the borderline- it almost looks like a design for a $7 mens T-shirt from Walmart.
The best is "Something Wicked This Way Comes", nice watercolor. It's a very attractive picture. I only saw parts of it when I was a kid and I really wanna see the whole movie. I wish they'd play it on TV.
M.A., this is just about my love of the posters- but yes, I dig Splinter the movie as well.
RJ, good call! Although if that poster was a Target shirt, the snake would undoubtedly be wearing headphones... :D
Love these! I've always been partial to the more subtle and striking horror posters over the chaotic, often gored filled ones... and the cast shots of the Scream-era were so uninspired.
The Dream Warriors, The Howling, LTROI and most of the Martyrs and Silent Hill posters are some of my all-time faves. Never saw the Rosemary's Baby one and just yesterday saw The Prowler at Retro Slashers for the first time.
More, Stacie more! *ahem*
the NIGHT WALKER poster - for a great film anyway - is a really beautiful, surreal design.
I read "Rosemary's Baby", but I see "Snakes On A Plane".
Oooh, I like that first one...very Mucha. :)
But I do get a giggle out of that "Dracula Has Risen From The Grave" (Obviously) poster. XD
Awesome little collection. I especially like the posters for "Something Wicked..." and "Shock Waves." Something about those dark, hand painted adverts gets to me.
I saw this post and thought, "she'll never post my absolute favorite poster from this blog" and yet, you DID. I love love love the Martyrs poster for some unexplainable reason.
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