Yes, I know Savage Streets isn't a horror film, but come on- was I not going to include those amazing posters? Especially the one with the title made out of's the stuff dreams are made of!
This all makes me want to watch Graduation Day again. Was I too hard on it the first time around? I think maybe yes. Sure, it's terrible, but it's one of those Rumplestiltskin-esque films that's misery to watch but, when you think back on it, becomes the greatest movie ever. I'm thinking of it now and...well, there's Linnea Quigley. And Vanna White and Christopher George. And the football-with-a-sword-attached. And some actress named Patch fucking Mackenzie. And the big scene at the roller rink where people without skates just run around in a circle. Why am I not watching Graduation Day RIGHT NOW??

Anybody seen Creepozoids? I've been sitting on a copy of that for ages now and this is making me think it might be time.
Eww Blood Wings.
Nice collection! I love how all the poster art was included in the Savage Streets DVD. They should always do that. Half the time, they just throw some generic photoshop design on the cover nowadays.
I've never actually seen Creepozoids, but it's on my list. Dave DeCoteau! Come on!
And I want to see Blood Wings SO BAD even though I know it'll be...SO BAD. That cast, honey, is to DIE FOR!!
The problem with Pumpkinhead II is that the main plot has a bunch of "kids" hanging out in a graveyard for a couple days, before finally confronting Mr. Pumpkin like 5 minutes before the end. Most of the movie is padding, with a couple of kills of some ancillary schmucks (and the obligatory Linnea sex scene). Also, the whole thing is shot with an annoying 90's music video "style" (lots of dutch angles, strobe lights, a wind machine, etc.). For some reason, Bill Clinton's brother pops in to showcase his curly mullet. Even so, the whole thing lacks the entertainment value you might expect. For Ami Dolenz and Punk Brewster completists only (I'm both).
Creepozoids is basically Alien at .000000001 of the budget (el senor cheapo must have funded it), but in a warehouse instead of a spaceship. I like it, but I tend to be a DeCocteau apologist. That is all.
I like that there's an entire poster dedicated to her dance in Return of the Living Dead. That's how I knew you were a cool blogger, because you appreciated the dance.
I dig the Korean Silent Night, Deadly Night poster, especially the explosion/starburst shape which informs potential viewers of the film's 'shocking story' (the phrase is, strangely yet not unexpectedly, transliterated from English into Korean).
I LOVE Savage Streets, so thanks for including it!
I mean all the others are great as well, but Streets is a real classic (of the guilty trash variety) and one I recommend to a lot of people.
She was in all of these? Holy crap!
Linnea's in EVERYTHING! :D
Ah, Savage Streets. I do love that time period in the early-mid 80s when they tried to make Linda Blair an action star. It's like anything was possible!!
Man they don't make movies like this anymore. What happened.
Although Savage Streets was certainly trashier, it was still more respectable than her other 'action hero' film, Nightforce. *shudder*
I just picked up a cheap VHS of Nightforce! Richard Lynch and Linda Blair, together at last!!
Always loved that last Creepozoids poster/box cover. Great stuff. French ROTLD poster, a classic if ever there was one. And kudos for being a trooper and including NOES 4, despite Linnea's mere appearance as a tiny disembodied face.
I have not one.. but TWO, one-sheet Savage Streets posters in my possession currently.
One day I'll get them framed so my kids can question me over what Photoshop filter made them look so 'old'.
If I still had my VCR I would go on a Linda Blair spree picking up all the crap she made that was sadly never deemed worthy enough for DVD.
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