No review today, because last night I decided to watch
Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (1970). It has the word 'dolls' in the title so at least it's a bit tangentially related to the theme this week. Not that it matters. This movie rules and sometimes you just
need to watch it, dig? "This is my happening and it
freaks me out!"

Doesn't this
Pinocchio poster make it look like some deep, disturbing psychological film?

I like this one better, however, for its use of the word "puppe". Say it- you'll like it, too.

There's a review of
Devil Doll (1964) coming, I swear!

The first box art I've got for Dolly Dearest is a bit more...err, tasteful than the second, where Dolly is all...not...sitting like a lady.

"Beyond the Valley of the Dolls" is a very groovy flick, but it runs a bit long, baby.
That guy in the first Pinocchio poster looks a bit like the lovechild of Udo Kier and Lionel Atwill.
Puppe des Todes = "Doll of Death"
That is all.
Have you seen Dead Silence? Best creepy old lady since the original House on Haunted Hill!
That creepy old lady in DEAD SILENCE is the Beautiful Girl Across the Hall from ERASERHEAD. Yes, life is short.
if you really want to bo freaked out by a doll just go to youtube and call up that episode of "night gallery" called "the doll" which was originally shown on american television in 1970, it only runs 20 minutes but in my opinion its still got some truly unnerving moments in it.
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