Let's do this...bullet point style!
- The fine folks at Dead Lantern have seen fit to nominate Final Girl in the "Best Horror Blog or Website Category" for their 4th Annual Splatcademy Awards. Voting is open until mid-February...you can get your vote on by clicking here. They's good people, them Dead Lanternites.
- If you peruse the nominees list, you'll see that each category is presented by one of the Splattercast's fellow podcasts...and one of those podcasts happens to be The Scare-ening. As I mentioned yesterday, Heidi and I will be back from our long hiatus next week- next Wednesday, to be exact. Next Wednesday at 8pm PST to be even more exact. Woo!
- From the Desk of You May Not Give a Crap: yesterday I launched Jill Sandwich, a blog about video games. I love them, and I wanted somewhere I could shout said love from time to time, because that's what people do in This Modern Age.

- I don't know, y'all. I feel all...mmm...maybe a little bored with horror at the moment. There, I said it. The horror blog / website market is so saturated at this point, I feel like (most) everyone is talking about the same things over and over. I can't just review movies every day- that's never been what I've done or wanted to do, and I simply don't have time. I'm tired of watching movies that are only okay, even though "only okay" movies likely compose 88% of every film genre. It's like I've been married to horror for 25 years and things are a bit stale...we need a date night or something. What should we do, horror and I? Something romantic, but not expensive.
Time for a fling with [REC] 2 again, I suppose.
Cool link (to Jill Sandwich, I mean)....
I often wonder why there aren't more video game blogs.
Let me be the first to say, "See you next Wednesday!" Seriously, though, I know what you mean about the horror blog market being saturated. My solution is that I pretty much only read yours, but I guess that doesn't really help you at all.
Perhaps now is the time to view some of those films from "Shock-tober" you've never seen.
You know what they say...when the well goes dry, go to another well. Then again, they also said an apple a day keeps the doctor away and boy was that a lie...
You seem to write about being bored with horror about once a year, and you always get through it. Since you already seem to not feel obligated to post all the time, take a break anyway. Either hunt down films you haven't seen or just watch non-horror films. You write this blog for free, and even if you're popular, you shouldn't feel obligated.
I've had a lingering boredom with horror for 1.5-2 years now. It doesn't help when I want to watch a horror film (say, a good zombie movie that I haven't seen), but cannot find anything that looks interesting or good. I've become deeply cynical about hype. I've cut down on reading horror blogs and only pay attention to about a half-dozen of them - I only read people who write well or are at least fun and have interesting things to say. With a horror blogroll that short, there doesn't tend to be a lot of overlapping.
There may be a ton of Horror Blogs out there but yours is tied for the best (with Horror Movie a Day). Please don't go away. I'm sure you can make this relationship work.
Even if the horror blog market is saturated, it still needs you. I can understand your lull in interest, but it would be a real blow to the horror community if you were to throw in the towel. You're more fun to read than 99% of the other bloggers (hell, make it 100% in my opinion), and your blog does one thing better than any of the others I've come across. Final Girl encourages participation from readers and other bloggers, and really builds a sense of community. So, chill a bit with the horror blogging if you need to, but don't give up. You're too important to us.
"You seem to write about being bored with horror about once a year, and you always get through it."
Ha, you're totally right! :D
You guys are nice, thank you. I guess I don't feel obligated to HAVE a blog, necessarily, but I do feel obligated to make it as decent as I can if I AM going to have one. I think that's why I always voice my "I'm bored" feelings- because I know it makes my output suck, or I end up taking a week or two off, and I feel like I need to tell readers why so it just doesn't look like an abandoned ship.
Everyone who has a blog- well, most everyone, I guess- gets too busy to write from time to time and may disappear for a few days. If I'm not feelin' it and I haven't seen anything recently, then I think I should make that clear. Or maybe not, who knows.
I'm certainly not thinking of giving up or anything. I'm just a bit bored. :D
Thanks guys!
Hi Stacie,
Thank God you said you are not considering giving up! You had me very worried until I read that. While there may be many blogs dedicated to horror, yours is the only one I've found that I think is worth bookmarking. Several times per week I check to see if you've posted; when you have, SCORE! If not, I just get to look forward to checking the next day.
Check out 'Devil' and 'The Last Exorcism'. Good times to be had! Seriously
Holy Moses! Jill Sandwich! That's the best news in a million years!
I too have grown a little tired of the horror and I too love games! How awesome is it that my favorite blogger changes subject from my favorite topic to my other favorite topic! Fireworks just went of i my brain! Happy new year. I'm looking forward to Jill Sandwich blog.
Oh and I also have a ps2 and a wii (Gamecube compatible) and Jill Sandwich just made me choose the xbox360 side of the fence on the eternal fanboy flamewars.
And there was much rejoicing...
Life is constant change, maybe horror is just not so relevant to where you're at right now. Or at least, no films that you've seen lately are. This is a good time to catch up on non-horror stuff until you get your groove back...again! I go through times when I'm less interested in horror, but it's always like that old best friend rotting in the basement who I keep coming back to.
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