FINAL GIRL explores the slasher flicks of the '70s and '80s...and all the other horror movies I feel like talking about, too. This is life on the EDGE, so beware yon spoilers!

Nov 16, 2007

awesome movie poster friday- the AMICUS edition!

...or, "Holy crap, that's a lot of posters!" Yes, today is a mega-super-packed edition of Awesome Movie Poster Friday, and it's true- their posters are as awesome as their movies. Amicus Week continues tomorrow!


Sarah said...

Now that I see a bigger version of the Asylum poster, the head just looks like a vacuum sealed-brown paper-wrapped head that is ready to mail.

Anonymous said...

I love Awesome movie poster Friday! It makes me feel all warm inside. :)

Anonymous said...

What an odd, odd movie Scream and Scream Again was. Never realized it was Amicus.

Craig Blamer said...

I can't wait for your take on Scream and Scream Again... even after all these years, I still haven't figured that one out.

Anonymous said...

It's just too good: "Vampires! Voodoo! Vixens! Victims!"

I guess those are theme rooms in The House That Dripped Blood...or are they in Dr. Terror's House of Ill Repute?

Is it like a Chinese restaurant? "I'll have one vixen and one vampire. Oh, do the victims come with won ton soup?"

spazmo said...

Yeah! I second Old Dark Housekeeper's sentiment - "Scream and Scream Again" is just too freaky a trip to miss, daddy-O! And it features a severed hand to boot!

Say, speaking of severed hands - what's with you lately? "Asylum", "And Now the Screaming Starts", your latest Film-Club selection "The Hand"...

What's wrong with you?
Oh my god. It's a warning. You're coming to collect our hands, aren't you?


Anonymous said...

Another great collection! This always makes my week!

AE said...

I like the From Beyond the Grave image. "There's a full moon! With a bat! And a skull! With a snake! And a knife that's all creepy! And a rat behind it!" They just throw it all up there. Fab images.

beedubelhue said...

Nothing like a good Amicus horror anthology picture to get the blood flowing..though usually it looks a lot more like red paint.Excellent!

Anonymous said...

I remember "The Deadly Bees" from MST3K. And the guy in the bowler hat showing up for no reason at the end...

(Watching skinny boy pop band perform in the beginning of film.)

Tom: Look, it's Mike circa 1982!
Mike: You're not too far off, my friend. :D

Rey Nova said...

Very, very beautiful¡¡¡¡¡¡

Stacie Ponder said...

You know, I don't know if I should have included Scream and Scream Again...some sites have it listed as Amicus, but I think it's really AIP. It was produced by Rosenberg and Subotsky, though, and they pretty much WERE Amicus, so...

It's kinda like the red-headed stepchild or something. Not that that term ever really made sense to me, but whatevs.

I had no idea you guys liked Awesome Movie Poster Friday so much! That's v v cool. Thanks!

And I've never seen The Deadly Bees, although as you can probably imagine, I'm simply DYING to.

Anonymous said...

Joanna --

I am utterly mystified why no one seems to remember who the bowler-hatted man is or understand why he's showing up at the end of the movie. He's the man at the beginning of the movie who works in some sort of government job and complains about the "crank" letters they've been receiving for years from someone on Seagull Island claiming they can use bees as a weapon of assassination.

Stacie --

"Everything that makes life worth LEAVING" may be the most awesome tagline ever.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Anon. -tries to think of more characters who show up at the beginning and end of films-....

Lazlo from "Real Genius". All those entries turned out to pay off for him in the end. :)

Jason said...

According to imdb, Scream and Scream again was a Tigon production that was distributed by AIP, which doesn't even begin to explain what Rosenberg and Subotsky were doing there at all. If it's Tigon, it should be Tony Tenser producing instead of Max and Milton. I am perplexed. Great poster, though, and a seriously demented movie. It takes a kind of deranged genius to cast Vincent Price, Christopher Lee, and Peter Cushing in the same movie and then stick them in supporting roles where they hardly interact with each other.

My favorite thing about Dr. Terror's House of Horrors (aside from the Roy Castle song 'Voodoo Girl) is that Dr. Terror is on a train, not in a house. Shoulda been Dr. Terror's Train of, um, Terror.