FINAL GIRL explores the slasher flicks of the '70s and '80s...and all the other horror movies I feel like talking about, too. This is life on the EDGE, so beware yon spoilers!

Apr 15, 2006


Yeah, what the post title says. Hey, maybe they get it!


Unknown said...

I have to say, the poster definatly speaks to me in a certain way...

Out of curiousity, when you say you are obsessed with Battlestar, are you talking the new series, or the original?

Anonymous said...

Where did you get this poster...why is the name Hatchet not ringing a bell...OMG...I'm so confused...


Stacie Ponder said...'s ok! I talked a bit about Hatchet once before, earlier this month. I linked to the website and "helpfully" used a picture of Superfly Snuka rather than the movie poster. I'm really looking forward to it!!

dreamrot...I was BIG into the original BSG when I was a kid, but haven't watched it since then- I have a feeling it hasn't aged well! I'm totally obsessed with the new version- I just can't believe what a good show it is! Of course, I only get to watch the DVDs (no cable), so I've only seen halfway through Season 2! The wait is killing me. I'm obsessed, I tells ya! Obsessed!

Unknown said...

Actually, I recently started watching the original Battlestar as a consequence of MY obsession with the new series. It hasn't aged too badly. And at least it something to watch until October wehn Season 3 starts.

Des said...

Yep! Colour me excited.

Des said...

The trouble is that they are playing it off like it's not any of the current ripoff schemes when it's really just doing the old Hills Have Eyes/TCM/Delivrance stuff that we constantly see nowadays.

I am thoroughly afraid that the horror zeitgeist is stuck in 1978.

Anonymous said...

The only thing missing from the movie's tagline is Not rated PG-13.

Man, I'm so there . . . :)

Stacie Ponder said...

You're right, Des- the backlash against PG-13 seems to be films of total nihilistic violence and torture. I have hopes for Hatchet as more of a slasher type flick than say, the unrelenting "realism" of something like Hostel. Swamp legends and modern-day horror movie legends (Englumd, Hodder) mae me think this will be more than the "captured & tortured" theme so currently prevalent. Guess we'll see!