No, it's not a large subgenre by any means, but oh, it has a special place in my heart. It's safe to say, then, that I'm peeing my pants with anticipation over Prometheus. (And because of general incontinence issues owing to age, but still. I am EXCITED.)
And before you get all "What, where's Alien?"...I think those films deserve their very own AMPF, so stay tuned, Aunt Demandy!

"It's always midnight in space." is a tagline that would get me into any movie, regardless of how little sense it ultimately makes.
Thank you so much. I agree, an awesome subgenre! 'Planet of the Vampires' is unjustly neglected - Bava's sense of mood and style is unmatched considering the budget.
Don't forget 'It: The Terror From Beyond Space' too - the influence of both 'It' and 'Planet' can be seen in 'Alien'.
Man, Planet of the Vampires has some great posters, but it's still a bad film (I say as a self-declared Bava fan).
Oh, I very much like that Planet of the Vampires poster. I may have to find one.
And I should be more careful about glossing over titles in foreign movie posters- I was oh-so-briefly excited about seeing "Planet of the Schrecks" and "Terror in the Gaspacho."
Great selection. As a huge Bava fan I'd love to get my hands on a PLANET OF THE VAMPIRES poster like that.
And I think SUNSHINE is two thirds of a masterpiece.
Great selection! I can't wait for more Prometheus posters to be released.
The hell is that giant bag in the last poster that is trying to envelop the Event Horizon?
Great selections as always but where's Jason X? :)
Nice selections here! Space always makes a great format for posters to give that weird and eerie feeling.
These things look so cool, so vivid. I wish ı had a collection of those, in fact I used to have one.
"Great selections as always but where's Jason X?"
Sixth from the bottom! :D
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