"But Stacie," you say, "Don't you think a better way might be to post 13 pictures of Friday the 13th tattoos? You know, to have the list be more thematically sound?"
"Hmm, you're right," I reply. "I wish I'd thought of that, but it's far too late now!"
Behold...15 Friday the 13th tattoos!

Nice! The ones in which Jason appears to be cutting his way out of the tattooed body are particularly inspired. Have to say the bottom one's my favorite, though.
Straight Edge & The Final Chapter are both great pieces of work, but some of them should be submitted to the ugliesttattoos web site.
FvsJ and the one above it had me literally lmfao, they're not the worst pick of the bunch, it's the expressions on the faces, look at Freddy's grimace and the horrified look on Alice's face.
Did you watch a Friday film night? I almost feel it’s compulsory to watch one so I stuck on #7.
The third picture looks like Jason's big bloody dick at first glance.
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