FINAL GIRL explores the slasher flicks of the '70s and '80s...and all the other horror movies I feel like talking about, too. This is life on the EDGE, so beware yon spoilers!
Aug 6, 2010
awesome movie poster friday - the HOUSE edition, part two!
If you ever get a chance to see Hausu (House, 1977), It's completely insane. It's having a bit of a revival now, playing in theaters here and there and getting the Criterion treatment come October. It even pops up on cable now and then. I'm not quite sure how to label it- a cracked-out haunted house fable, maybe? Would "very Japanese" suffice? However you want to describe it, it certainly should include "awesome". Same for the posters. Which is why they're here, in Awesome Movie Poster Friday. WHOA!
Yeah, Hausu is just amazing. It's like ... no it's not really like anything else I've seen. It's kind of a psychedelic rock 'n' roll horror comedy... no that doesn't do it justice.
Even by the standard of whimsical Japanese oddness, Hausu is bizarre. It should be experienced.
Saw Hausu a few weeks ago but to be honest, I'm at a loss for what -if anything- to say about the film let alone how to describe it. Hypercolor fairy tale, perhaps?
I fell asleep in the theater in Hausu. I never do that. I even had bay salt on my popcorn. I also never do that. Thanks IFC for taking one unit of my hourly wage so I can take a nap in air conditioning. What a booooooring movie...
Except when that cat plays that song on the piano. That was a righteous jam. There should be a movie just about that cat playing the piano and going on a whirlwind tour. I'd pay fifteen dollars to see that... and twenty if there was a lesser cat there to play accompaniment that was paid in fish skeletons.
I second CashBailey, and your good self of course: mounting any kind of response to Obayashi's House in print is probably insane in and of itself! Stunning film.
That first one is totally fantastic. It splits the difference between amusement and bemusement just about perfectly.
House was that movie with William Katt, wasn't it ??
Whattah stinker !
Very different.
Yeah, Hausu is just amazing. It's like ... no it's not really like anything else I've seen. It's kind of a psychedelic rock 'n' roll horror comedy... no that doesn't do it justice.
Even by the standard of whimsical Japanese oddness, Hausu is bizarre. It should be experienced.
I've wanted to see Hausu for a long time, and I will soon get that chance. Am I to surmise that you saw it in the theater? LUCKY DUCK!
HAUSU is indescribably bonkers.
Good luck writing a review of that, Stacie.
Thanks for the tip - "Hausu" is now on my list of movies to watch before I die.
I love that the skull in #9 appears to be dining on a delicious haunted mansion, while in #11 he seems to be seriously regretting this decision.
Saw Hausu a few weeks ago but to be honest, I'm at a loss for what -if anything- to say about the film let alone how to describe it. Hypercolor fairy tale, perhaps?
What, no House 3 posters? Har.
I'm so happy I got to make that joke first.
I fell asleep in the theater in Hausu. I never do that. I even had bay salt on my popcorn. I also never do that. Thanks IFC for taking one unit of my hourly wage so I can take a nap in air conditioning. What a booooooring movie...
Except when that cat plays that song on the piano. That was a righteous jam. There should be a movie just about that cat playing the piano and going on a whirlwind tour. I'd pay fifteen dollars to see that... and twenty if there was a lesser cat there to play accompaniment that was paid in fish skeletons.
I second CashBailey, and your good self of course: mounting any kind of response to Obayashi's House in print is probably insane in and of itself! Stunning film.
I love The Legend of Hell House!!! These posters are amazing!
Dreaded Dreams
Petunia Scareum
In that first LEGEND OF HELL HOUSE posted it's like the skull ralphed a spooky house into someone's hand.
HAUSU is awesome, indeed.
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