Mayhaps you're saying to yourself "Oh, that Final Girl. October draws to a close and she craps out on us. If I didn't love her so, surely I'd hate her so", to which I can only reply, "October still has days and days to go, and there's still time for me to catch up- I won't squelch on any reviews. Please, don't judge me so harshly; after all, you don't hear me complaining about your hair, do you?"
Besides, who wants movie reviews when you can get red...err, I mean
black carpet action from the 2007 Spike TV Scream Awards? That's right, kids, last night I had the distinct privilege of asking burning and hard hitting questions of all sorts of horror and sci-fi types, as did my partner in crime
Amanda By Night. Video is forthcoming, and you can watch the awards for yourself October 23rd at 10pm on Spike. I know you're all an impatient lot, however, so here are some video stills to wet your whistles.

When Lena Headey (
The Cave) goes from this:

to this:
know I'm asking the burning, hard-hitting questions!

Yes, Paris Hilton. No, we didn't get to talk to her...but we did see her
skipping, which is probably better anyway.
My God, it is truly the anno Stacie. Our little internet nerd-goddess is all grown up and conquering all media. Soon she will have her own channel. All hail Stacie!
(Seriously, congrats! How cool are you?)
I hope you smacked Eli Roth on the ass for me.
I hope you smacked him in the jaw for me.
Ha! Don't worry, Bill, I'm still just a nerd. A fortunate nerd, but a nerd nonetheless.
I didn't smack Eli Roth anywhere, but wait until you hear the question I asked him. And his answer. :D
JA- I was thinking of you when Kristen Bell came down the carpet- I think your love of her eclipses even mine. She didn't talk to anyone, though, and she ran by so fast that all I got was a bit of her ponytail on tape. :( She's only small.
Hope you had a lot of fun at the Scream Awards! I certainly wouldn't begrudge you for skipping watching DVDs in exchange for actually meeting the cast and crew of a lot of these movies.
Besides, I've really enjoyed reading your posts this past month. I only wish I found this blog sooner, so I could catch up on reading past posts faster.
Now what was that about my hair?
Awww, our intrepid cub reporter "Scoop" Ponder strikes again.
I guess the trick is to ask questions that are offbeat, but not so offbeat as to get you banned from next year's event. How did that go? 'Cause I think you could easily get yourself banned...
I added you to my custom search engine, dig your site!
Stacie has abandoned us all!
You've run off with Kristen Bell, haven't you, you diabolical person you!? Gah!
No, it's probably Lena Headey - now we know what those raised eyebrows were all about...
Sadly, I'm still here. Me take FOREVER to edit the video!
Re: Eli's hair.
I shave my head bald so maybe I'm on the outside looking in but what is the message that guys who tease up their hair into spikes want to communicate to the world? "I had a niiiiiice baff!"
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