In a side-by-side comparison, it's amazing how much Girdler (along with writers David Sheldon and Harvey Flaxman) aped Jaws. In both films, an animal (abnormally large for its species) goes on the attack in an area frequented by the public. The animals are tracked down chiefly by three men- a humble 'everyman' who acts as the authority figure, a kooky scientist who is more interested than studying the animal than in killing it, and an even kookier pilot/captain who tells harrowing stories about run-ins with the animal's brothers-in-arms. In both films, our 'everyman' protagonist (Roy Scheider as Sheriff Brody in Jaws, Christopher George as head ranger Kelly in Grizzly) faces bureaucratic opposition when he suggests closing down an area in the interests of public safety. In each movie we also get animal-eye-view-cam, layman hunting posses, a young woman who gets attacked whilst frolicking naked in the water (in Grizzly, a park ranger takes time out from the bear hunt to "soak her feet", which means stripping down to her bra and panties)...hell, Girdler even lifts Sheriff Brody's drunk scene! And I don't want to spoil anything, but let's just say that each film has a rather...explosive ending.

KELLY: Well, he likes women and he keeps moving.
DON: Sounds like me, always trawling. Say, what about that filly you been ridin'?
As I said earlier, Grizzly is undoubtedly a piece of schlocky, exploitation cinema- and this is where Girdler delivers the goods. When the bear attacks, the blood really flies. There are decapitations, dismemberment- why, Girdler even has the balls to have the bear attack a child, then toss his newly bloody-stumped body to the ground. That's sort of delightfully tasteless- yet it's not quite as tasteless as it could have been, were the kid not clearly enjoying the bear attack. It's super fun huggy time!

Of course, it doesn't help matters when the "enemy" doesn't incite terror in the audience or in the actors. Maybe I took in too much Dan Haggerty and pal when I was a kid, I don't know- but at the end of the film, when Christopher George busts out the rocket launcher (yes, I said rocket launcher), I found myself quoting Rodney King- I mean...can't we all just get along?
Grizzly Adams, YES!
Do you remember some dingy thing called "Yukon Dan" that was a send-up of that? Hold on. Let me Google.
Aha! Yes! Apparently it was part of some short-lived show called No Soap, Radio with Steve Guttenberg, of all people, from 1982, in which his favorite show-within-a-show was Yukon Dan. I have literally no memories of that show, but the Yukon Dan bit is etched into my brain.
Oh, Yukon Dan was a fighting man
And he lived in the Northern Wood
His heart was as pure as the fallen snow
But his hygiene wasn't so good
He never shaved, and seldom bathed
Now what do you think of that?
His breath could make a grizzly cry
And he wore a stupid hat!
Although, then again, I remember the line as "hardly bathed," but it's 25 years ago, so I'll trust that transcription.
I have a bit of history with "Grizzly" since it was the first movie I ever owned — my 60-something Bible-thumping babysitter gave it to me for my 7th birthday. It was kind of fun seeing her disapprove of her own gift when we watched the bear tear the kid's damn arm (leg?) off.
Me love Joan McCall! She a happy camper! Unlike those girls who didn't feed the bear his sandwhich. Grrr! >__>
Grizzly is a favorite of mine. I give it 4 stars out of 5. Hey! Another 4 star film! Wow, I've been seeing a lot of them lately.
-Body Boy (The NEW and improved;
Ah, I LOVE the picture of the three leads. Machismo Central I say! I have a copy of the DVD autographed by Andrew "I'm so fucking hot I can't stand it" Prine. He looks mighty purty!
I love Grizzly. I just do. It's not great, but everyone is up to the task at hand and it's definitely enjoyable.
Christopher George RULEZ!
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