That's right, next week is ANIMALS RUN AMOK WEEK here at Final Girl, and I must say, I'm wicked excited to explore one of my absolute favorite subgenres. I love Animals Run Amok movies, I really do. I hope you do, too, because that would make you cool. And just so we're clear, bugs and slugs and the such totally count as animals.
Over at the super sweet and brand spankin' new Final Girl Forum, Chadwick Saxelid posted a link to an article at Fangoria; it seems Rob Zombie has begun shooting Halloween and...Jesus H Louiseus...hardcore fans are literally protesting. Protesting! A movie shoot! It makes me proud to be an American, I tells ya, when today's youth gets off their duffs and speak out about important topics that will impact the present and future of this know, the health care crisis, the war in Iraq, equal rights for all people, and horror movie remakes. Norma Rae would be so proud.
The Fangoria link also shows off some poster artwork for the Halloween remake. Observe:

You are right; that is indeed grammatically incorrect. He could have gone with "The night he comes home is the night you die." I don't know.
I will admit to being a tad unhappy about this remake (although I have now just given up on being pissed about these things because resistance is futile). However, as you said, there might be one or two things MORE IMPORTANT to whip out my markers and posterboard for. I'm guessing.
I wouldn't get too (un)excited - that's obviously same lame fan photoshop. /me suspects that Fango's been Punk'd.
And, yeah, horrible grammar.
The Night He Came Home Is The Night You STAY HOME!
Looking forward to Animals Running Amok Week.
I meant to suggest Kingdom of the Spiders for animals amok. Not really an animal, the movie is STILL all white hot inside!
"The Night You See This Movie Is The Night You Waste 11 Bucks"
Woo, SCARY!!
Stacie may I make an Animals Gone Amok suggestion. "Squirm" is super-cheesy critter-crazy action you won't soon forget.
Ah! Yes, Squirm. Good call- to my endless shame, I've never seen it. Nice tage line, by the way- that's all kinds of meta!
Kingdom of the Spiders, too- and spiders and bugs TOTALLY count for animals.
Sigggggh....I loves me some amok-runnin' critters.
Here's an animal amok movie I can't wait to see...
The Night He Came Home Is the Night You Will Decide You Were Too Busy to Bother Being Scared by the Fact That He Was Coming Home to Kill You Soon Again - VII...
The Night He Came Home Is the Night You and Michael Ironside Open Up a Can of Whoop Ass
Don't forget about Frogs!!
...wish you had better taste in prom dates?
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