Now let me tell you, I haven't seen the trailer for
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning yet. It's only viewable during certain times of the day or something...and sad to say, I'm on an old hand-cranked dial-up internet here. Thus, a viewing will have to come later for me. Sigh. I did see this
still from the trailer, though...and it certainly fulfilled my
what the fuck?? quota for today.

I have no clue as to who that is, what's going on, or why a shot like that would be in
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. What I
do know, however, is that the next time I spot one of these at a flea market:

I'm totally buying it and re-selling it on eBay to some hapless horror fan. It's rare
TCM memorabilia, dude!
No reserve!
I think it's Sheriff Hoyt. Yup, he's back.
Well, by golly, I think that's Ol' Cowboy Ed Gein. Gives a whole new meaning to "rope and wrangle," eh?
Didn't Hoyt get squished by Jessica Biel's renegade mack truck?
Sheriff Hoyt...he's one bad mutha---
Shut yo mouth!
Yeah, which is why this movie is a prequel. :D
Stacie, did you notice that Terror Train is up for a remake? I wonder if they will keep the killer the same so he will stay in your Hall of Infamy.
"Yeah, which is why this movie is a prequel. :D "
Yeah...and forgetting that is why I'm an idiot! :D Total brain-fart.
Terror Train is up for a remake?! Good lord. How difficult is it to think up a NEW formulaic slasher plot? Terror Train isn't that great OR original, though it has an odd yet special place in my heart. I'll be behind it 1,000,000% if Gene Shalit makes a return appearance, though.
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