FINAL GIRL explores the slasher flicks of the '70s and '80s...and all the other horror movies I feel like talking about, too. This is life on the EDGE, so beware yon spoilers!
Mar 17, 2011
Happy Birthday, Kurt Russell!
If I were a guy, I would dress like Snake Plissken all the time. I don't know why you dudes don't do it.
In fact, I may start doing it anyway, despite the fact that I am 104%* woman.
Happy 60th Birthday to Mr. Russell. May he defeat every antiquated chess computer that dares face him!
This leg-boob of which you speak, is it behind the knee, closer to the ankle, where? Does it cause you to limp? Does it prohbit you from wearing shorts or culottes? Also, I do dress like Snake all of the time; I just don't pull it off as well because of my hairy shoulders.
It's not a BIG boob, thank goodness, so it's not too much of a hassle. It's on the inside of my calf; it's fairly easy to hide, but that could simply be because I always wear muumuus.
For a while there back when I was younger, I did dress like Jack Burton every now and again. The boots, jeans, Asian design tank top, canvas hoodie thing. I couldn't do the mullet though. It's not in my DNA.
Something weird about Snake Plissken though is that John Carpenter apparently first wanted the then 60 year old Charles Bronson to play him. You have to wonder how that would turn out and whether or not Bronson as Snake would have been more or less awesome than Kurt Russell.
Though I enjoy both movies, I think there are two kinds of people on this planet: Snake Plissken People, Jack Burton People and People Who Don't Know Who Either One Of Them Is And Need To Be Put Down. THREE, three kind of people on the planet. That's how many kind of people there are. And, yes, I am a Jack Burton Person. Furthermore, I believe Jack Burton would find some sort of beautiful, inept and lucky way to defeat Snake Plissken in a fight.
Couple of things: Snake Plissken f-f-f-fucking rules and he's got the super-coolest outfit and badass guns of any movie character ever and EVER AND EVER; it was Avco Embassey who wanted Charles Bronson because he was bankable, but Carpenter wanted a younger Snake and also was apprehensive about working with a big star like Bronson and felt mmore comfortable with Kurt; And thanks for the wicked-badass "what do you want?" shot of the Snakester...I had a bad night and it cheered me considerably.
This leg-boob of which you speak, is it behind the knee, closer to the ankle, where? Does it cause you to limp? Does it prohbit you from wearing shorts or culottes? Also, I do dress like Snake all of the time; I just don't pull it off as well because of my hairy shoulders.
It's not a BIG boob, thank goodness, so it's not too much of a hassle. It's on the inside of my calf; it's fairly easy to hide, but that could simply be because I always wear muumuus.
Happy B-Day to the snakeiest snake to ever snake a Plissken.
I think I've seen Salvador Dali's rendition of your leg boob.
Don't worry, you're not alone Stacie.
Verification word=sesessis. How very snake-like.
Like Jack Burton always says "......" (Ok, I glitched on whatever he always says but it was good!)
Happy Belated Birthday indeed, The dude is awesome.
For a while there back when I was younger, I did dress like Jack Burton every now and again. The boots, jeans, Asian design tank top, canvas hoodie thing. I couldn't do the mullet though. It's not in my DNA.
Something weird about Snake Plissken though is that John Carpenter apparently first wanted the then 60 year old Charles Bronson to play him. You have to wonder how that would turn out and whether or not Bronson as Snake would have been more or less awesome than Kurt Russell.
You should do it.
When they showed escape from new york at the cult movie series here I did and then wondered just why I didn't more often.
Though I enjoy both movies, I think there are two kinds of people on this planet: Snake Plissken People, Jack Burton People and People Who Don't Know Who Either One Of Them Is And Need To Be Put Down. THREE, three kind of people on the planet. That's how many kind of people there are. And, yes, I am a Jack Burton Person. Furthermore, I believe Jack Burton would find some sort of beautiful, inept and lucky way to defeat Snake Plissken in a fight.
Three tits... Awesome.
I hope someone here went to see "Paul" this weekend.
Couple of things: Snake Plissken f-f-f-fucking rules and he's got the super-coolest outfit and badass guns of any movie character ever and EVER AND EVER; it was Avco Embassey who wanted Charles Bronson because he was bankable, but Carpenter wanted a younger Snake and also was apprehensive about working with a big star like Bronson and felt mmore comfortable with Kurt; And thanks for the wicked-badass "what do you want?" shot of the Snakester...I had a bad night and it cheered me considerably.
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