The Final Destination trailer
I'd be excited even the film was in a mere two dimensions...but three? Please. California needs to legalize gay marriage NOW so that the expected marriage bedlam will ensue and people can then marry whom- or whatever they want, so I can marry this fucking movie.
Come on, August, what the frig is taking you so long to get here??!

Since I now know how everyone dies (thanks, Trailer!), I might skip this one. (haha jk...i was probably going to skip it anywayssss)
3-D is cool and whatnot, but these Final D movies have all been the same. This one looks like more of the 3-D. No thanks.
This series is truly a guilty pleasure of mine. Always fun and entertaining.
I like how they say "2-D in selected theaters," as if certainly theaters get to show the special, elite 2-D version of the film.
I heard from a reliable source that they keep making 3D movies to put pressure on the theaters to switch to digital format. That means there will probably be a whole lot more 3D over the next year or two so enjoy it while it lasts!
Looks badass, can't wait to see it. The carwash scene and the scalator scene got me pumped!
Yeah, I have until August to forget how the trailer (mostly) reveals who dies when ... although it's lookin' like the redhead might make it out alive!
When the hell has that ever happened in a horror film? Redheads always die first.
After the brotha, that is.
The FD movies HAVE pretty much all been the same, but that's fine by moi. I get what I expect out of them, which is brainless, exhilarating, fun. A white-knuckle thrill ride you'll never forget, if you will. 3 was a bit lacking, but I can't wait for this.
Hmm...this muct be exactly how fans of the Saw series feel. GASP!
I enjoyed the first two entries. And that car crash setpiece in the seconnd one was a brilliant piece of work. I also liked how the humor got a little more ghoulish.
Since The Final Destination (that sounds ominous) is by the same guys, I'm putting my hopes on this one being a vast improvement over the third one. Which was just plain dumb and lazy.
This looks like it could be pretty cool in 3D and at least they have a director who directed a movie in the series and who better to direct than David Ellis, especially after his epic masterpiece known as Snakes on a Plane
Comment on film Slasher thats my Blog dedicated to all things horror.
Final destination was a breath of fresh air. It's been 10 years ago? I'm inhaling fumes.
And Craig - I'm going to make a horror filom where the brutha doesn't die.
One day.
"Hmm...this muct be exactly how fans of the Saw series feel. GASP!"
But that is different. The Saw films are terrible.
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