First of all, this post is not hardcore in the least. Actually, it's rather lame. See, I'm knee-deep -- scratch that, I'm fucking xyphoid process-deep in editing Ludlow and I haven't much time to do much of anything except stare at the computer, wondering if what I'm doing is any good. I'll be finished with it early next week, and then... MUA HA HA.
Speak of mua ha ha, here's another screen cap. Oh how provocative.

I'm not sure that entirely makes sense, but anyway.
You can always be my fake cyber-pal if I don't blog enough here to keep up with your absolutely maddening demands. I mean, how would you know that I wanted some pickles today unless you follow me on Twitter? These are the issues that impact my life.
I am oh-so looking forward to foreign zombie week.
It's like Shark Week. With the Undead. Dubbed.
I really enjoy your blog and hope that you continue to keep it fresh with content and new material.
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