As you may recall, I was overcome recently with
Boneyard Fever. Well, the potential deliciousness of a film starring Phyllis Diller, Zombie Phyllis Diller, Norman Fell, and a Giant Zombie Poodle gnawed and gnawed at my brain until I finally broke down and sought out a copy to call my own and to clutch to my bosoms. I found one on for cheaper than the price of a rental, so I made my dream come true by ordering one. It arrived yesterday and the seller was kind enough to include a bonus gift, as if the very existence of
The Boneyard isn't gift enough. Behold, the gift, labeled as such so I know exactly
why it was included in the package:

All I can really say about it is ??
In related news, I now own
The Boneyard. If I weren't so busy, I'm sure I would've watched it 50 times by now. Believe me, I'll be sharing the goodness with you the moment I finally see it.
I was overcome recently with Boneyard Fever.
I just hope it was consensual!
Not really seeing a connection unless the film has a zombie parrot. Which would be awesome. I shall dream of being chased by flocks of them all squawking for my brains.
Uh oh. If horror movies have taught me anything, it's that you'll be getting another package soon with a conure in it. An evil conure.
I think working this book somewhere into the background of every Ghostella could be your directorial signature.
I thought you knew that everyone decided that the best way to get rid of things no one else wants, is to give them to you! Maybe since it was labeled as a gift it managed to fool you.
WHOA... Stacie, did you take that time off to turn FINAL GIRL into a ornithological blog? :)
Well, damn... that's so random that it's inspiring. Selling stuff off of eBay, I think I'll just start throwing random shit (the stuff I can't sell) in with the packaging.
Like my VHS of Scarecrows.
But also... welcome to the cult of The Boneyard. First cut is the deepest.
you should frame that book! or you can send it to me at:
PO Box 1109
Norwich, VT
I usually take my Phyllis Diller on a crappy game show, but this sounds good.
Yay! Now you can finally stop trying to borrow MY conure guide. I mean, I love you and all, but you still have my copy of "How to Breed Ibexes for Fun and Profit."
All it is is a mere suggestion to get a conure as a pet.
But, of course, you know what to call it, right?
"My husband, FANG!!!!!" (Insert Phyilis Diller laugh here)
this blog is very interesting and educational and at the same time very entertaining!
busby seo test
So now you know that you have to spend $600 on a Conure, right? Because you don't want to let that free book go to waste.
interesting book!
Happy (barely) belated Halloween, Stacie! I hope you had a good one.
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