FINAL GIRL explores the slasher flicks of the '70s and '80s...and all the other horror movies I feel like talking about, too. This is life on the EDGE, so beware yon spoilers!

Feb 8, 2008

awesome movie poster friday- the GEORGE ROMERO edition!

For more Romero-flavored posters, check out the AMPF SOME ZOMBIES and BARBEAU editions.


Anonymous said...

I absolutely love that "The Dead Walk" newspaper from Day of the Dead.

I'd like to find a full size poster replica and hang that up in my house.

Anonymous said...

I like the newspaper too, but I think the most striking image is the gas-mask silhouette. Elegant but creepy design.

Though, I gotta say, as always, Tai khun come through big with the air armada of severed hands. You don't see that every day.

Stacie Ponder said...

You're in luck, 612...

it's on ebay!

Anonymous said...

How big a geek am I? I actually tried to read the newspaper poster. Now I want to make my own zombie movie just so I can make a poster just like that.

Anonymous said...

First one looks like it's a Star Wars poster...

And "Knightriders"...I think they stole the idea for an episode of "V.I.P.".

Joseph Emmerth said...

I'm with Walsh,

I love the severed-hands poster. Reminds me of the flock of birds attacking Tippi Hedren....macabre yet symbolically true...

Unknown said...

I love the Star Wars poster.
Zombie droids!

Anonymous said...

The Knightriders one is so ghey....Pretty rad though!!

Craig Blamer said...

I've alway had a fondness for the Belgian poster for NotLD:

Anonymous said...

the first one, the star wars-y one is fuckin brilliant! The hands bursting through the wall, Day of the Dead one is really good fun - i'd see that movie! (hang on - i did see that movie)... and the Martin, made in the usa poster is genius (reflecting teh genius that is Martin the movie, too)

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with everyone else-- that Day Of The Dead poster is all kinds of awesome. THIS is what horror movie art is all about. Hell, I just love Day Of The Dead. Lori Cardille and Joe Pilato "rock my face off," in the inimitable words of Stacie Ponder.

PIPER said...

Oh Snap, I forgot that Romero did Knightriders. I've never seen that.

Where's the Creepshow?

Matt said...

I vote for the gas mask, if we are voting

Stacie Ponder said...

Piper: Creepshow is in the BARBEAU edition. Click the link in the post to check 'em out!

Rey Nova said...

The poster of "The crazies" is very good, but the movie.....