I'm actually more excited about Dark Horse Comics putting out a prequel comic, with input from Carpenter himself. Written by Dark Horse's editor-horror guru Scott Allie, it'll show the backstory to the curse over Antonio Bay, and how the fog got to be so durned nasty. With a cover by Hellboy maestro Mike Mignola, I'm all a-twitter. You can read more about the comic here, courtesy of Jen Contino and comicon.com's The Pulse.
While the original The Fog didn't thrill alot of people, I always found it to be an atmospheric, spooky ghost story with a strong EC comics-vibe...which is exactly what John Carpenter and the late Debra Hill intended. It'll be interesting to see how the story is told for today's audience. Will Mr. Wainwright keep with the quiet, dark atmosphere for the chills, or will be it more in line with what qualifies as horror today: jokes, nonchalance, and a heavy metal soundtrack? Moreover, will the audience get the shivers when, at the film's end, Stevie Wayne coos:
I don't know what happened to Antonio Bay tonight. Something came out of the fog and tried to destroy us. In one moment, it vanished. But if this has been anything but a nightmare, and if we don't wake up to find ourselves safe in our beds, it could come again. To the ships at sea who can hear my voice, look across the water, into the darkness. Look for the fog.

Great blog here, Stacie! Lots of horrific fun. :)
Anyway, I've always dug this movie, too. Especially the whole idea of a ghostly fog rolling into an area bringing evil with it! Always thought this was a brilliant gimmick and idea to contemplate! And I've always been a fan of that cool "fog" font on the posters. Quite striking imagery.
One thing I've always been bummed about, is that in some of the awesome trailers for this flick, there is some reeeeally creepy music heard that has never been included in any of the soundtrack releases I've come across. Maybe it's just a sound effect that was added to the Carpenter music for the trailers, but it sounds so cool and freaky. Kind of this phase-shifting wailing type of sound. Not sure if anyone else will know what I'm talking about, but I wish I had that bit of music or sound effect in its pure, unedited form!
Funny you should mention the Fog. It's next on my net flix queue.
It's a nice little yarn, Carnacki! Not a perfect movie, but quite atmospheric, and fun to just kick back to and kind of let it envelop you--like a low-rolling fogbank!
You've never seen it?
I haven't seen it since it first came out in the theater and I don't remember much about it. I think I was too busy "smooching" with my girlfriend at the time. How times have changed. Now I'd say, "After the movie!"
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