As you can imagine, I've got another column up at AMC, and this week it's all about Batman. I loves me some Batman.
I don't know, maybe it's the time of the year, but the horror community seems pretty dead at the moment. I tried to find something interesting to post about today, some exciting piece of news or groundbreaking revelation, but I came up empty. Therefore, in lieu of fantastic horror-related news, I will post another picture of the fantastic Weng Weng. I suggest you bookmark this page so you can come back to these photos in the future when you're depressed and you need a reminder about how awesome life can be!

"For your height only" is an amazing film! Nothing less! To think such a little man can be such a big star!
I wonder what he's up to nowadays?
(on a side note, have you ever considered the fact that every movie ever made, might be better if you put Joe Pesci in the lead role?)
well ... according to wikipedia, the fine man died in 92 (at my current age, 34) of a heart attack.
This is the final straw that has now convinced me that we need to encourage mad scientists to create that gas, that makes the dead come alive as zombies, rather than try to stop those scientists.
Zombie Weng Weng would be wild! That way we could also really honor the dead by giving them hi-fives!
Titles of Weng Weng films:
Da Best in da West
D' Wild Wild Weng
The Cute... the Sexy n' the Tiny
It sounds like Weng Weng was an ebony porn star.
Dude, imagine the freaky things Weng Weng could do!
nice Batman piece, Stacy. you are every lonely comic book fan's Dream Girl.
ever consider cloning? ("Parts: The Ponder Horror") you could make a fortune at SDCC alone.
Stacey I have a question for you. Is there anyway to download the Ghostella episodes and KEEP them on the computer, instead of just streaming them? I want to have them to watch whenever, not just streaming on various websites. I know there are programs to download that can save flash movies, but I was wondering if there was an easier way that would ensure quality picture. Also, as for what you said about nothing happening in horror right now, Lucifer Valentine just released the sequel to Slaughtered Vomit Dolls. It's called ReGoregitated Sacrifice, and it stars the Black Angels of Hell. I highly recommend it to you, however beware and be aware - it is a hardcore horror film, making Hostel and Saw and the rest of those mainstream films look like a joke. It is in the same arena as gross-out movies like August Underground, but believe me when I say that Valentine is a superior talent and his films cross the line into high art! Have a good day!
I'm guessing he'd kick you in the nutsack, from behind:
You could tie horror-related news and Batman together if you wanted. There's been a series of one-shots this month spotlighting Batman villains grouped under the "Joker's Asylum" banner, and in two weeks there's one that focuses on the Scarecrow, which... well, let the writer explain it:
"I was raised on a steady diet of movies like Friday The 13th as well as other slashers, along with higher- concept movies like April Fool’s Day and the A Nightmare on Elm Street series. I treated Scarecrow like a slasher movie threat... a masked maniac in the mold of Michael Myers or Freddy Krueger, but with a pathology known to Batman readers and let loose upon a house of unsuspecting teenage girls having a slumber party.
The story itself's even titled "The Dark Night of The Scarecrow".
Yes, Stacie, please do help Anonymous obtain copies of Ghostella... so he can pirate them in the Philippines and become wealthy beyond his wildest imaginings while you pick gray spaghetti out from the inside of the stove with tweezers because you hadn't the sense to protect your intellectual property!
"Please help me obtain?" They've been free on that website for like two months now - what are you talking about? Also, I'm sure folks in the Philippines have a ton of money to throw around on things like 10 min horror movies that aren't even in their language :) What I was asking, Arbogast or whatever your name is, (if that's not your real name, you're just as good as anonymous yourself) is how I could get them to just keep on the computer instead of having to stream and load them every time i want to watch. DUH.
I'm not anonymous, I'm pseudonymous, you Philistine.
I see. Anyhow, copyright is established upon creation of the work. Only two countries require registration, America and... either Canada or England is the other country. But even in America the work is protected under the creation clause.
Arbogast, man, you are cracking me up today! (SEE Arbo's blog for context.)
When are you going to watch THE DEVIL'S RAIN?
Arbo, I didn't call you a thief, I just said you were confused about copyright laws. I have no idea whether you are a thief or not - but hopefully you're not, since that's rude and all. Anyways, here's a hug, hopefully that makes ya feel better.
A hug... from Manila?
Arbo, is this turning into the Thrilla from Manila fight with Ali and that other famous boxer? (I assume that's what you meant, unless you were talking about an envelope). Look, please understand - I asked Stacey an honest question about how to further enjoy her Ghostella movies because I am a fan - and as far as I could see, there was no need for your disruptive comment. You made it, and I responded in kind, and let's just say that's that and be done with it. Here's to a truce.
I actually saw a couple of Weng Weng films when I was dating a Filipino girl in college. The Impossible Kid is actually a pretty good film.
to anonymous who wants to save the ghostella episodes to hard disk instead of streaming them.
Good God, digitaldd, you've fallen right into his/her trap!
I'm a total luddite when it comes to things like "streaming" and "downloading", so I'm the wrong person to ask.
Anonymous, if your motives are sinister rather than kind and you start flooding the market with bad quality pirated Ghostella DVDs, I ask that you at least spell my name right: it's Stacie. :)
I've heard of Slaughtered Vomit Dolls and all that, and I have to say I'm completely uninterested- although it's supposedly very well made. The same goes for August Underground and all that sort of hardcore stuff- especially when the movie features a lot of barf. It's just not my kinda thing.
But then I like Jumpin' Jack Flash, so what do I know.
I need to see The Impossible Kid still. What the world needs now is more Weng Weng.
I likes me some "Batman". And that's probably because everyone has another side to their personality...even the heroes.
And the fact they had shot some of the last two movies in Chicago is a bonus for me. Too bad I never got to see anyone famous when they were filming last year... But I have some photos I posted on my blog of some of the locations.
And Weng Weng looks like he could pwn Tattoo from "Fantasy Island".
you love batman too...jeez you are perfect! You love horror, dallas...batman! btw, i've been doing a dark knight countdown at my blog...if anyone is interested.
isn`t that jet jaguar there?.
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