Hey, people. This is just to let you know that Taste of Flesh, Taste of Fear, my lesbian vampire short film, is no longer a pre-order: it's officially an order. Wow! It's five bucks plus $2.95 shipping. It's got a commentary track and this spiffy cover:

Damn straight the back cover is an homage to
Warner Home Video! That's how we do it at Team Final Girl.
Anyway, if you want one, just click this magic button.
Okay, it's not a
magic button. But still.
I think it might be a magic button, I clicked on it and my Restless Leg Syndrome was miraculously cured! Hooray!
That cover art's the bee's knees, Miss Ponder.
Ha! Maybe it IS a magic button after all...but beware! Magic doesn't come without a price!
And thanks...I've fretted over this cover.
WooHoo! Can't wait for my copy! (insert lady w/ briefcase here)
Um, there is NOTHING damn straight about this....damn lesbian maybe...
There...now you have your obligatory "oh look some jackass thinks she's funny" comment out of the way. The cover looks badass!!!
Thanks so much for ordering one, Vicki!! It'll be on the way to you shortly.
Amanda, I'd be upset if someone DIDN'T make that joke. :)
I think that I may have get this next pay-day. I love the Warner Home Video cover.
Will this ship internationally? If not i will be all kinds of missing out.
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