A wild Film Club appears!
Final Girl chooses It's Alive!
It's super effective!

Well, I mean, you can write about the remake if you want- even on Film Club day. I'm not trying to run your life here...I just want you to feel like you belong on Monday, June 28th when we're all talking about the original. That's because I care.
Anyway, It's Alive is available on Netflix- even streaming, so you have no excuses! Man, I wanted to make a Donna Rice joke there, but then it seemed a little dated, even for me.
On to other things: The Large Association of Movie Blogs has just released the list of nominees for the 2010 Lammy Awards and Final Girl is nominated for a few of 'em: Best Random LAMB Banner, Best Horror/Sci Fi Blog, and Funniest Writer. I think voting is only open to LAMB members, but to see a complete list of awards & nominees (and to vote) click here. Thanks to whoever nominated me, good luck to everyone involved, and that's all I'm going to say about the Lammys. Hooray!

YES! I am so excited about It's Alive; I love that movie in all of it's screaming, murdering, infant-demon glory!
Congrats on the nominations Stacie!
Thanks, B-Ri!
Congrats on the nomination and, more importantly, being so awesome to choose It's Alive!
I know you're disappointed it's not the remake!
So, wait. Let me make sure I understand this. It is the ORIGINAL... not the remake. Did I get that right?
Right. The original.
So... NOT the remake? The Original.
(you are gonna punch me soon, aren't you?)
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