It's true, friendos- I won't be able to post my thang about
City of the Living Dead /
The Gates of Hell until sometime tomorrow That sucks. What doesn't suck is that it gives the world more time to participate! And more world participating = more good.
If you're into making the world a better place, then send your Fulcitastic links to stacieponder (at) gmail dot com.
Damnit, you went and made Dawson cry.
Just thought you'd like to know, your fame has spread to Nottingham. The Broadway Cinema, a well respected independent arthouse cinema, has quoted you in its lastest brochure. Details here:
Holy crapping wow! That's so cool. Quoted for Birdemic...I finally feel like my time here has been worth it. Thanks for posting that!!
Dude, you've gone international! Are you going start speaking with a faux British accent, like Madonna?
God I miss the Creek.
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