While it is still so hot and humid outside that one feels as if one lives all snuggled-n-tucked up underneath Satan's ballsack, I recently bought not one but TWO bags of pumpkin spice coffee in preparation for the forthcoming season. That's right, I can feel it in the air: it's almost SHOCKtoberin' time.
I've been a-ponderin' and a-wonderin' what to do for this year's festivities, and sure, I had a couple of ideas. And while I might make one of those ideas a reality come SHOCKtober, I also might not. That's right, I'm playing it fast and loose with no commitments at this time, like the carefree zoomer that I am. But! While I am leaving those ideas out in the ether for the moment, I am committing here and now to another round of that ol' SHOCKtober favorite: the huge month-long countdown of y'allses (that's a word) Top 20 Favorite Horror Movies.
It is always an exercise in madness for me to tally 'em up, but it's an exercise I enjoy. I like reading what you guys have to say! I love to see what you love! It's great fun to count them down over the course of 31 days, and as we haven't done it since 2020, I figure why not now? It's been a few years, maybe y'all have some new faves? I'm not sure if I do, but I might? Guess I'll have to, you know, think about it. As must you, so get to it! Get to it and abide these rules, please, to make this manageable for your pal me.
- email me a list of YOUR TWENTY **FAVORITE** HORROR FILMS at stacieponder (at) gmail (dot) (c) (o) (m)
- put "my list" or "list" or "list-o" or something in the subject line so I know what's up
- DO NOT submit your list here in the comments or via Facebook message or Facebook comment or any other social media or anything like that. EMAIL ONLY BLESS YOU THANK YOU
- Remember, it doesn't matter if these movies are considered the "best" or classics, they just have to be your faves. Final Girl is strictly a NO JERKS ZONE, and I don't truck with making fun of peoples' loves. Not in my comment section, buster!
- Unless you indicate otherwise, if there is more than one version of a film I will assume you mean the original. So if you mean The Fog (2005) and not The Fog (1980), please tell me.
- Honestly I would be shocked if anyone preferred The Fog 2005 over The Fog 1980, but that is your business.
- If you write something like "The Saw Series," I am just going to include Saw, so specificity is better!
- No short films and no TV shows, please! Feature films only. Made for TV movies are a-okay!
- You don't have to submit a full list of 20! Maybe you only have one favorite horror film. Again, that is your business. But 20 titles is the max.
- The list order doesn't matter! You don't have to rank them.
- You don't have to comment on any of your choices, unless you want to! But comments are always welcome and I like to read 'em. Sometimes I even post 'em during the festivities! (If you want to include a comment but you don't want it published, you can tell me! Either way rest assured I ain't doxxing nobody.)
- The deadline is the end of Tuesday September 24th. After that, submissions will go directly in the ol' cybergarbage, sorry.