The creative team behind Final Destination 2 is currently developing Final Destination 4.
Final Destination 4 will be in 3-D.
OH MY FUCKING GAWD. Two of my favoritest great tastes will soon be tasting great together. That never happens! This news is so effing awesome that I don't even care about the upcoming remakes of Friday the 13th and The Birds. This one unique, original project cancels out at least 5 shitty remakes, in my opinion.
I've been pining for a return of the deliciously fun Final Destination series (all whilst shaking my head that the Saw franchise continues to chug along steadily, but FD seemed to get no love) franchise, but never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that 3-D would enter the picture. 3-D!! I fucking LOVE 3-D. Seriously, people...I'm excited about this. In fact, my metaphorical excitement boner is so huge it can be seen from outer space!

Uhm? Friday the 13th and The Birds? For awhile I thought that they were being made into one movie, like Jason vs Freddy. Think about it : Jason vs. Birds! That would be something!
Back to the point: Final Destination 2 is one of my most favorite movies ever. They could have skipped eveything and just made the ending and it would be one of my favorites, but they went out of their way and provided a whole great entertaing movie filling up the space till the ending.
The other film I saw from the guys who made this film , The Butterfly Effect, is also very nice. The director/writer team are very refreshing and creative in ways I can't quite put my fingers on. But they DO make me ramble.
Anyways: that IS good news and it made my day!
Your "metaphorical excitement boner" about this news and my "metaphorical excitement boner" about you linking to me - me! - are due for a tussle. Sword-fight!
God I'm sorry, I even grossed myself out there. Boners flying every which way.
Happy Thanksgiving!
This is where I admit that I've never seen a 3-D movie in 3-D. But for FD4 I'd be totally willing to change that!
All of this talk about "metaphorical boners" mixed with 3-D is starting to worry me a bit.
snarf, I had no idea that the guys behind FD2 were also behind Butterfly Effect, that makes the news even better to me!
I love FD2... that smashup scene is one of the craziest mayhem scenes ever.
That said, how are they gonna top it (aside for the 3D)?
"All of this talk about "metaphorical boners" mixed with 3-D is starting to worry me a bit."
It's eye-popping 3-D!
Yay, FD4! Yay, 3D! Yay, metaphorical boners!
Stacie threw a boner party and nobody invited me? Aw...
Snarf~ love your Jason vs. Birds idea. Funny how you never see Jason with any hint of bird crap on him. It's odd, what with all the time he spends in the woods and all.
Maybe on some level, the birds intuit the fact that Jason could just fling his own poop right back at them really really hard...
I love 3D films, but I think I'll stick with the monsters in "Beowulf" for now. Although "300" in 3D would've been a better idea...
FD2 is the best sequel ever made period.
another dead horse to be ruthlessly flogged.
Should be fun times! I remember as a kid of the 80s seeing Friday III and Jaws 3-D in the theatre..i have been waiting for a 3-D arrival for sometime now.
oh my god, yes! Funny they didn't make the 3rd one 3d.
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