The awesomeness that is Lame Week continues! Hooray! I tells ya, if only my boss at Final Girl would give me a raise- why, then I could do...uh, Final Girl stuff all the live long day! But no, sorry to say...she's a jerk, and therefore I must continue to seek income in other places. But fear not! Whilst I'm out earning some dough
on the nearest streetcorner by making comic books, I've devised a little game to keep you distracted today. I have cleverly titled it

Look how he's posed all nice, like a senior portrait. And don't you think the flapping flap is a nice touch?
HINT: I have reviewed this movie.
Sorry to be so lame, but if I don't earn another $20 by 11:00, Huggy Bear is gonna be
The only crispy dude that comes to mind was that great jump scare in the beginning of Blade. So I'll be waiting patiently to find out which flick this is from.
Bitch better have my answer...
The one that comes directly to my brain is Bad Dreams. But then again I have a strange feeling that isn't the correct answer.
Looks like "Near Dark", but I could be wrong...
I'm gonna guess... this is an off-the set pic of the crispy corporal that haunts Laurence Fishburne in Event Horizon?
Damn woman, why you gotta be spreadin our business all up in this piece?
11pm. You got 4 hours, best get on it.
my first thought was bad dreams too, only BECAUSE of the flappy flap. we'll soon see.
Bad Dreams will be my guess as well. Took me longer to remember the movie title than it did to remember which movie I think it is from. Is that bad?
I'll go with Bad Dreams as well. Somehow it feels right...
Huggy Bear, I'm so sorry. I only managed a measly $8.77 yesterday, but it's not my fault! It was kind of overcast and I kind of almost have the sniffles. I hope you don't see the need to "cut a bitch", but if you do, I know you're only doing it because you love me and think I'm sexy.
Yay, Bad Dreams! Yay, flapping flap!
Heh, I read this blog entry then read a blurb about a Japanese movie called "Frog Song" "She ends up in a local comic shop where she meets an aspiring comic-book artist, Kyoko, who supports herself by working as a prostitute." (courtesy of the Diabolik DVD site)
Does Huggy Bear own a comic shop?
Mike, that's awesome- I've never heard of that movie. Would I supplement the comics by hooking? Probably not. But I'd sure as Hell supplement Final Girl with it! :D
I added Frog Song to my Netflix, even though it has a lousy rating. Come to think of it, most of my Netflix queue has lousy ratings....
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