It's Oscar night, y'all! Now, given my
tattoos and attitude regarding the Academy Awards, you might think that the last thing I'd be doing tonight is watching the ceremony. That's where you're wrong, o erroneous one! Not only will I be watching the Oscars, I'll be nerding out behind my computer liveblogging the goings-on with a few other rad film bloggers over at
GreenCine! Guess what? You can even join in the fun...yes, YOU. Log on (the shit hits the fan at 4:45pm PST) and we'll all hold cyber-hands and kind of watch the Oscars together. It's
so 21st century I can't even stand it!

You should also be aware that tomorrow is the due date for this month's Film Club pick,
The Manitou. I still haven't watched it yet...I've been waiting and savoring the anticipation, but today's the day. Tomorrow all the cool kids will be talking about it. You
do want to be cool, don't you?
Sounds like fun! Consider me convinced to log in.
I'm glad I'm not alone in doing a last minute viewing of "The Manitou."
@pierce- "Javier had to win. Imagine the bloody rampage he would have gone on if he had lost." Classic.
I would definitely watch/review "The Manitou"... if I could find it.
@Wes- I was just hoping that he would bring that cattle gun with him.
Stacie, I'm sorry your Internet blew up on you. I suspect sabotage of some sort...
Hmm, I should be watching "The Manitou" right now, but I can't find the disc. Again I suspect sabotage.
While I want to see nearly all the nominated movies, so far I've seen practically NONE. I've only seen Sweeney Todd, The Golden Compass, Across The Universe, Bourne Ultimatum, Pirates III and 3:10 to Yuma. That's because those are the type of movies to see in the theater, and the others are the kind to see on DVD. It's too bad the DVDs aren't released in time to see them before the awards. I have no idea what to think when I haven't seen the movies, so I didn't watch this year. All I have to say is, Across The Universe was so amazing, it should have won a few, and one of those should have been art direction. And I really loved Sweeney Todd.
The Manitou! YAY! I own that film and have watched in an amazing.......
.....TWICE! once back in the 80's and once last month or so. It defines Kitsch. It's got great hair.
i kinda hoped the link under "tattoos and attitude regarding the Academy Awards" might direct to a gallery of anti-Oscar tattoos...
Man ALIVE. First my internet was being a total jerk...then the site was going all cuckoo and I couldn't post anything. This just as I was about to go cuckoo myself when Diablo Cody won. Damn you, internet screw-ups! Daammmmmmn yooouuuuuu!
At least you were in long enough for us to get slightly scolded for the Bea Arthur jokes!
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