In other me news, there's a little interview with...uh, me up at AMC's Monsterfest Blog. So, like, go read it if you want to know how I answered some questions and stuff. Or don't. See if I care. Jerk.
In other not me news, I can't wait until April 8, when The Nanny is released on DVD. No, I'm not talking about the Fran Drescher vehicle series (although if I were, would you hate me?)...I'm talking about the 1965 film featuring Bette Davis as an eeeevil nanny. Did I just say "Bette Davis as an eeeevil nanny"? Yes...yes I did. Which is why I've already picked out an engagement ring and when The Nanny comes home I'm so totally popping the question. Do you think I should do it in a public arena, like at a sports game? I think the added pressure of public scrutiny might guarantee me a yes and The Nanny and I will soon thereafter be bound in most unholy matrimony!

Then again, maybe it's just that severed head she keeps on the shelf with her robot collection...
If it isn't, that pretty much blows my theory that Stacie's a vampire who can't be captured on film.
Eh, that's just some picture I found on the internet. I was going to draw something to accompany the interview, but then I got lazy.
It's not that I can't be captured on film, it's that cameras steal your soul!
The Nannay you say? Here in copenhagen they're showing it on the big screen next saturday... if you're in the neighborhood I'll take you there ... or I'll just go myself .. see if I care...
Great interview! To be accurate though, I think you have to have 5 piercings to speak of THE BOOGENS and you must be wearing a black T shirt with horror poster art on it as well!
snarf, seeing Bette Davis as an evil nanny on the big screen is almost worth the ticket price to Copenhagen! Let me know how it is.
Kinder, I think you're right. It's the SEQUEL (Boogens 2: The Reboogening) for which you only need 4 piercings.
Exactly! Strangely there are no dress requirements if one wants to debate the finer points of BOOGENS 3: TIGER'S REVENGE. (which I'm sure you know was released in Italy as LA CASA 7)
Cool interview, plus you appear to have a toy robot. Robots are super cool!
Now I'm off to go vote for Final Girl...
I have four piercings, but I keep one of them out of sight so that no one will try to talk to me about The Boogens.
I'd never have guessed you were blue and key-driven. And is that your girlfriend on the right?
Not being a convention-goer, I'm kind of surprised that they're goth-ridden. It seems like there hasn't been a gothy horror film in ages (although El Orfanato has got my hopes up).
Good interview:)
(and +2 for the Fabulous Moolah pic Stacie)
Jonathan, I thought El Orfanato was pretty good, although I thought you could see the ending coming...
Wait... you're not goth? I always fantasized that you bore a striking resemblance to Alexis Arquette in Bride Of Chucky.
Damn, you just lost yourself a reader Missy!
Wait, did I say NOT goth? I meant WICKED goth. Like, so goth I pee blackness and I carry an umbrella during the day to keep out the sun...and keep in the dark.
Oh, and I'm a vampire.
Well, not yet, but I go to this club on Thursday nights. Someday...someday...
Wait, you're an actual GIRL??!!??!!?
Aww man, that totally negates my opinion on your opinion on horror flicks. Why did you have to ruin it by mentioning you had ovaries? You know they're surrounded by concentrated evil. I know for my priest tells me so...
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