One scarecrow flick I've been itchin' to see forever is the 1988 cult sensation Scarecrows. Long unavailable and long rumored to awesome and- gasp- scary, Scarecrows is available on DVD...which means it's prime Film Club material.

Here's the skinny, courtesy o' Netflix:
After pulling off a major heist, a group of ex-military outlaws commandeer a plane for their getaway. But when one of the group betrays them by parachuting out with the cash, the rest follow -- and find themselves in the middle of a nightmare. They take shelter in an abandoned farmhouse set in a cornfield, where sinister scarecrows soon come to life and start taking them out one by one in this spine-chilling cult classic.Awww yeah. I'm so ready- this selection can't get here quickly enough!
The film: Scarecrows
The due date: Monday, March 24
SCARECROWS makes THE MANITOU look like CITIZEN KANE. Do not waste your time.
Too late! The die has been cast!
I've seriously only heard good things abut this just goes to show, something something.
Hmm, sounds good.
I'll try and find it.
I'll totally get in on this. It's been ages since I watched this movie.
As for the VHS vs. DVD question, VHS for sure, but I say that always.
This is sad but I don't think I've ever watched a scarecrow themed movie...
You know I'm in!
I actually really liked Scarecrows. It was gory and creepy, and the scarecrows actually looked, well, scary. It didn't cause me any sleepless nights or anything, but deffinitely worht a look-- moreso than, say, Dark Harvest.
P.S.- Stacie, did you see that tribute to The Swarm on the Oscars the other night? I thought I was gonna shit! Oh, yeah!
Word, Jay. I like widescreen but I hate giving up the fuzziness. And those dueling jpegs remind me that I've gotta buy stock in a DVD distribution company just so I can lead a shareholder revolt every time they disrespect the original cover art.
Found this tape at a thrift store a little over a year ago (along with The Dead Pit, which was such a coup it's ridiculous, even if the 3D zombie's light-up eyes don't work anymore) but never got around to watching it.
Looking over your sidebar, I just realized--the only FGFC selections I don't own are Bloody Murder and Halloween '07. Which makes me a huge dork, but a dork with at least a modicum of quality control.
Oh, and everybody should check out Jay's site if they haven't already. Good stuff.
I want to have anal sex with the tagline: "They Only Want a Brain ... Yours"
Wow, I even have this. I got it at J&R Music World for $5 over Halloween on a bender. Tried watching it but couldn't get past the infrared soldier-vision in the beginning. A chance to join the FGFC gives me the perfect excuse.
Im grabbing the shit out of this! Ive never even seen it!
@bonnie- Dark Harvest firmly stands #1 on my all-time worst movies ever made list, and im sure it will never get dethroned.
A little checking around and I'm confident this is going to be yet another solid Film Club pick, and once again something I'd NEVER have picked on my own. What would we do without you?!
And, I know the secret as to why some yogurt isn't veggie, do YOU? I had written a letter to Dannon to find out years ago. The reason will blow your mind.
I've seen it and barely rememeber it. My favorite scarecrow movie remains Scarecrow Gone Wild, because it starred UFC star Ken Shamrock. In what was his one and only movie I think.
You've "seriously only heard good things" about it? What, people have talked to about it only when you're in a serious mood? Lighten up, lady...
Theron, movies about vengeful killer scarecrows are absolutely no laughing matter! They need to be discussed with a certain gravitas.
Great site! love it...
Scarecrows was playing on MonstersHD channel a few months back...
Good flick..
If you hated Hallowed Ground, I feel confident you will love Scarecrows. It's one of those films that's better in my memory (from when I saw it as a wee lad) than it is now... but it still holds onto much of its campy and scary charm. I can't wait to get writing about this one...
I got it.
It's good.
it's loooooow budget, indie, tries hard, pulls off and trend setting - which means many will dislike what appears to be half a great film.
But it's grim, weird and fun!
Twasn't bad, but for my money, Dark Night of the Scarecrow (despite the title) is still the most jibbly-producing scarecrow film out there. Was that made-for-tv? Damn! CBS don't make 'em like they used to.
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