Here is a picture of Macdonald Carey of Days of Our Lives. I hope this helps ease any discomfort you may be feeling due to my absence.

I have been watching movies whilst inking, however, and I'm going to squeak out a couple of teeny reviews next week no matter the cost to my sanity.
In the meantime, enjoy your weekend! Go see Insidious because why not? It's a horror movie in theaters, and you could do with a night or afternoon out. It's not a bad flick and Rose Byrne is in it. What more could you want?
Oh working late every night on comics is the excuse, is it? We know the truth. You've been making time with that video game blog again. Haven't you. HAVEN'T YOU!
Wait, I mean...I would never!
Insiduous... a horror movie... In theatres... and Rose Byrne is in it...
Why can't every girl be like you?!?
no love for SOURCE CODE? shame. At least you didn't recommend SUCKER PUNCH!
Haven't seen either of 'em! Although the reviews of Sucker Punch have led me to believe that waiting for DVD might be the better option for that film...
whats the film club movie, this month?
Not sure yet...and I'm not sure I'll have time to do it this month.
Rose Byrne, the Australian outback AND a Citroen DS in "The goddess of 1967"... Seen it? 'Tis most excellent.
Not yet! But I'll add it to my list. :)
I'm Macdonald Carey and these are the days of our lives.
Now I am sad that he is dead.
hey, you can always recommend your Canuck readers go see Hobo w/ a Shotgun. it's rad and on wide release up here.
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