Now, I don't usually post about every little tidbit that comes down the line when a film is in production. First of all, it can quickly escalate into a massive landslide of useless information as PR firms try to keep a movie's name on the tip of everyone's brain. Second, Final Girl may be many things (
one of those things is even good!), but it's not a horror news site. Third, aren't numbered lists great? Fourth, I try to ignore most of the production news when it comes to movies I'm going to want to see, like...oh, say
Silent Hill: Revelation I'm Leaving Off the 3D Part (Although I Just Mentioned It There, in a Way) Because While I Never Thought I'd Say It, I'm a Bit Over 3D. You know, to minimize expectations and spoilers and so on. But! I just got a press release about how the one and only Carrie-Anne Moss has joined the cast of
Silent Hill: Revelation and so I thought I'd pop in here to say:
Carrie-Anne Moss has joined the cast of
Silent Hill: Revelation.

Yes, yes, when you think of Carrie-Anne Moss there's
The Matrix and
Memento and you know,
Fido was quite entertaining. However, in my awesome opinion, what's most important is that she was part of two of my favorite things in the history of ever, namely
Mass Effect 2 and OF COURSE...
Models, Inc. Now she's part of
Silent Hill, another of my favorite things. I am so Team Carrie-Anne Moss that I should perhaps consider making (and subsequently wearing) a t-shirt that says
I am so Team Carrie-Anne Moss on it.
The point is, this is sweet news, and while I was greatly looking forward to
Silent Hill: Revelation, now I am even more looking-forward-y.
Oh yeah, and now Malcolm McDowell has been cast in
SH: R as well, know. Meh. It's not like he was on
Models, Inc or anything.
I didn't know there were people out there who got excited upon learning of Carrie-Anne Moss' involvement in things. To me, she's a solid actress but has never brought much flavor to any of her roles. I've never seen her name in the opening credits and said, "Oh! Not her!"
Maybe I need to see Models, Inc. ... probably not.
" Maybe I need to see Models, Inc. ... probably not."
i think the awesomeness of carrie ann kinda nullifies the meh-ness of malcolm macdowel...
but im still looking forward to this...
Ummm Malcolm McDowell is awesome. I will watch him in anything. I wouldn't exactly put him on the same level of Peter Cushing in this regard, but I do feel that he brings his A game to whatever he's in, and generally elevates even the most garbage of films even a little bit. Carrie's good too, but being a mid-20s male, my loyalties don't exactly lie with her. Then again, we are both Canadian...
I appreciate McDowell, but I don't always enjoy him, if that makes sense. I think maybe his Dr Loomis killed any love between us...
McDowell sizzles on screen. Moss? No sizzle.
Before you get all "HOW DARE YOU" on me again, I think that sizzle was the wrong approach for Loomis. Moss would have done a better Loomis.
Oh, I can still but out a HOW DARE YOU!
What I'm getting from this is...hmm...different people like different things. And people. How strange!
incorrect, Stace...
Malcolm is just meh. My opinion is always right. I always say that on my blog, so it must be true.
so there.
p.s. thanks for reminding me about his dr. loomis. now i stand doubly corrected :)
I'm so stoked for this bit of casting, I could just spit. Like you, I loved her since Models Inc. (shame she was sold into white slavery, lol, due to that unresolved cliffhanger from it's cancellation. I'm less thrilled she is playing Claudia. I wanna love miss Moss, not hate her as I know I will. Anyway, cool beans.
Yes! I love that the show ended and left her festering in a Mexican brothel.
Awesome. She's incredible, Her part in especially Fireflys In The Garden (Where she plays Ryan Reynolds's ex-wife) is flawless.
I'd wear a "I am so Team Carrie-Anne Moss on it." simply because it seems like an awesome thing to do.
then if anyone ever says they like her we can be all "oh yeah? Then why don't you have this!" and bam bust out the shirt and pwn them.
Dont Know if you've seen these pics before but I like the look of the lakeside amusement park flyers.
I hope they copy the Silent Hill 3 game with the intro, I'd love the new film to be done in a "Twin Peaks" style, but that's not gonna happen.
Malcolm McDowell is awesome! Like Samuel L. Jackson (or Christopher Walken) his presence automatically makes any movie better. That's right, I said it: RZ Halloween would have been even worse without his Loomis.
Carrie-Anne Moss is great too, but she's no Kylie Travis. I have a huge crush on Julie from Models, inc. I especially liked the way she always said the word "models" so it sounded like "muddles."
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