However. Reading that blurb in the graphic- you know, the part about how the awards honor "The best in classic horror research, creativity and film presentation"? Well, as cool as those little statues are and as much as I'd like one so I could put a little wig on it...that blurb, man. That ain't Final Girl, even on its (my) best day. However, that's Frankensteinia to a T. Pierre Fournier's inimitable site dedicated to The Monster is also nominated in the best blog category, and if you're going to vote, I urge you to vote for him. Click here for the ballot!
Again, I'm thrilled to be nominated, as the Rondos are the awards for us horror-types. I just think it should go to the most deserving, and in my humble opinion, that's Pierre.
Also, what's the "T" in "to a T"? I have no idea.
Very classy move - but I still like your blog, and may vote for it (but I won't tell anyone, it'll be our little secret).
You don't have like five of these already? That's a shocker,SP.Truly.
You're sneaky!
This is honestly how I feel. About it. It's great to be nominated, but I just don't think FG fits the criteria the most.
Now, if the awards were about glamour and sophistication, that would be another matter entirely! :D
And also, no, I don't have one though I've been nominated a few times. It's cool though, as being the Susan Lucci of the Rondos fits me just fine.
To a T comes from 18th century "to a tittle" or "to a dot." Which clears up nothing for me.
The T clearly stands for ta-tas.
FINAL GIRL is a great blog, but I too will be endorsing Pierre's FRANKENSTEINIA.
Really, in a perfect world, there would be years with more than one "winner." FINAL GIRL is a smart and funny blog that will get its own Rondo at some point.
Well thanks for stopping by to tell me you're voting for someone else. :D
Welllllll many of the slasher films you love and endorse here are now some 20-30 years old. Despite some great blogs nominated, I think you qualify for some Rondo love.
"Despite some great blogs nominated, I think you qualify for some Rondo love."
Yes indeed! As Stacie's pointed out, SILENCE OF THE LAMBS is now a generation old. And any blog as well written and funny as FINAL GIRL will get that Rondo at some point. Hey, Susan Lucci finally won an Emmy!
I'm a little late in getting here but, yes, a very classy move. I wish more bloggers had this degree of integrity.
Thanks, Arbo!
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