The time has come, folks! With the exception of #382, which got a single, tiny vote, each film on this list received TWO VOTES. That means two people out there who read my call for lists and then decided to send a list have a favorite movie in common. That, to me, spells S-O-U-L-M-A-T-E. Gender doesn't matter! Sexual orientation doesn't matter! If two crazy kids both love some random horror movie, then those two crazy kids belong together. Find each other! Become pals and bask in the superiority that comes with knowing that the both of you are smarter and better than the jerks who didn't vote for those movies. Someone emailed me and suggested a Final Girl Blind Dating Service for the twosies, and I think it's a great idea. During SHOCKtober, anything can happen...especially magic.
382. Hell Night -- 1981, Tom DeSimone
381. The Devil Rides Out -- 1968, Terence Fisher
380. The Craft -- 1996, Andrew Fleming
379. Day of the Triffids -- 1962, Steve Sekely
378. Habit -- 1995, Larry Fessenden
377. Diabolique -- 1955, Henri-Georges Clouzot
376. All the Boys Love Mandy Lane -- 2006, Jonathan Levine
375. The Mummy -- 1932, Karl Freund
374. Natural Born Killers -- 1994, Oliver Stone
373. The Host -- 2006, Joon-ho Bong
372. House of Usher -- 1960, Roger Corman
371. Requiem for a Dream -- 2000, Darren Aronofsky
370. Damien: Omen II -- 1978, Don Taylor
369. Driller Killer -- 1979, Abel Ferrara
368. The Last Man on Earth -- 1964, Ubaldo Ragona & Sidney Salkow
367. Lifeforce -- 1985, Tobe Hooper
366. The Haunted Palace -- 1963, Roger Corman
365. Deadly Spawn -- 1983, Douglas McKeown
364. Silent Night, Deadly Night -- 1984, Charles E. Sellier, Jr.
363. Sunset Boulevard -- 1950, Billy Wilder
362. Vampyres -- 1974, Jose Ramon Larraz
361. The Gate -- 1987, Tibor Takacs
360. Alien Raiders -- 2008, Ben Rock
359. Neon Maniacs -- 1986, Joseph Mangine
358. Plague of the Zombies -- 1966, John Gilling

- Oh, Hell Night. I'm so sorry that you're the only Miss Lonelyhearts on this list. I love you! Not enough to vote for you in my Top 20, but still- I'll gladly gork out with you any time.
- Vampyres is the shit!
- So are naked space vampires!
Sunset Blvd.
To whoever voted for Neon Maniacs: I will bear your child!
I don't think SUNSET BLVD is too out of place on a horror list. The first time I saw it, I thought to myself that it kinda feels like a horror film, even if it's really more noir. There's a kind of decadent creepiness to it.
Plus, Gloria Swanson and Erich Von Stroheim hold a funeral for a monkey.
I voted for All the Boys Love Mandy Lane, but I think I'd rather date both the people who picked Diabolique.
I refuse to believe that 2 people have actually seen All the Boys Love Mandy Lane. That movie is frigging impossible to find anywhere. Even Netflix doesn't have it.
OK, Who is my "Damien Omen II" and "Requiem for a Dream" baby daddy?
Mandy Lane has been trapped in Region 1 distribution hell, though it did screen for critics and I think it had a few festival appearances. However, it's available on DVD pretty much everywhere else- you can order it through Amazon UK, for instance. Good flick! They should just fucking put it on DVD here already. It's so much better than a majority of the direct-to-DVD crap you see on the shelves.
Dammit, The Gate - another possible vote about which I completely forgot. I haven't seen it since its heyday on HBO, though, so I can't say how it's aged in my eyes. That hero-kid-stabbing-the-eyeball-in-his-hand scene, though, was one of the most potently-remembered scenes from my childhood.
Yep, Mandy Lane has been on R4 and R2 DVD for quite a while. It didn't make my top 20 but it's a damn cool movie, nonetheless.
Requiem For A Dream is yet another brilliant film i would not have considered to be "horror".
It's the anomalies that are frustrating. Like, I'd totally put Natural Born Killers in my Top 20 all-time movies, but I didn't put it in my Top 20 horror movies for... well, not really being a horror movie (that's not how I think of it, anyway). And now I feel bad about not voting for it, because my vote could've pushed it further up than poxy No.374.
Plus, I could've copped off with the other 2 fans who voted for it. Woo-hoo!
I had Diabolique on my list until the very end and at first thought that I was one of the people who voted for it until I double checked. So... no soulmate.
Which makes me Di-curious, I guess.
Haha, this would totally make a great dating service. Who else voted for Silent Night, Deadly Night??? We may be soulmates!!! Unless you're ugly.
Oooooh I love The Gate. Not enough for my top 20 ;o) but that movie is my jam.
Can't wait to see more of the 2+ votes....maybe I will find my movie soulmate!
Yay for THE CRAFT!
I'm the other person who voted for Damien Omen II glad to see that someone else voted for it. I'm pretty new to horror movies but I did see a few when I was younger and Omen II scared the crap out of me when I saw it.
Okay, who else was Deadly Spawn? Because your other name is Soul Mate.
Thank you to whoever else listed The Devil Rides Out! Best Hammer EVER!!!!!
And Mandy Lane is pretty good. Found the UK Blu cheap on amazon and never looked back.
I was the second boy who loved Mandy Lane enough to vote for that movie. I can't believe I didn't vote for Hell Night though. It's one awesome and hilarious movie.
Damn! Haunted Palace would have been an exclusive club to belong to. Enjoy it, you 2 cool kids.
I have seen All The Boys Love Mandy Lane but there is noway it would be near my top 50. Much less 20. I watched it online a few years back.
OK, so I apparently have a date with somebody who selected Habit, but that doesn't mean that I won't be stealing sidelong glances at the ones who called Requiem for a Dream, Vampyres, and Sunset Boulevard.
Word verification: shnicup. Heh, heh.
Hi, Smogo.
I'm one of the two people who voted for 'Natural Born Killers.' I can't speak for my soulmate, but to me at least 'NBK' ranks among the most disturbing, intense and nightmarish movies ever made. Especially the last third – the prison riot – utterly terrified me. So, IMHO, it is indeed a horror film, a very good one at that, and that's why I've included it on my list.
Who's the other person who voted for The Last Man on Earth? cause i'd love to give them a hug
John Carpenter considers Sunset Blvd a horror film. Good enough for me.
...and hail to the other human who voted for Lifeforce. Great movie.
yay for Diabolique!!
All the Boys Love Mandy Lane was pretty good not in my top 20. I did have to go through some non-conventional means to get the film, bootleg copy from chinatown.
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