Yes, it's that time of the year again and I'm so excited I could...well, you know. Something.
Email your list to: stacieponder (at) gmail (dot) (c)(o)(m). Put LIST or MY LIST or LIST-O or something like that in the subject line.
Getcher vote on and let's see what comes of it, shall we? Besides me pulling my hair and wondering why I'm doing it, I mean. YEAH HORROR MOVIES!
EDITED TO ADD: Unless you indicate otherwise, I will assume you mean the original versions of all films and not the if you mean, say, Snyder's Dawn of the Dead and not Romero's Dawn of the Dead, be sure to include the year or director name. If you just say "Dawn of the Dead" with no indicators, I'll assume it's the 1978 version.
EDITED AGAIN TO ADD: The order doesn't matter, as the results won't be weighted- it's strictly numbers. You don't have to provide commentary or justification, unless you want to give me something entertaining to read- these are your choices. Your favorites! You might know that Movie Whatever technically sucks but you love it and it's your number one favorite- and that's totally fine. You don't have to pick "classics" or esteemed films- just your 20 favorites.

Oh my gosh, I JUST watched Martyrs for the first time hours ago. And I was doing so well trying to get that film out of my head too. Thanks, Stacie. It will make my list though!
Done and done. Looking forward to the big horkin' results show, er, post.
*Gasp* She's talking to me!
This is what democracy is all about, I'll participate. But first I have to do some serious thinking.
*examines tracks in ground*
"You see them tracks? That's the tracks left by a kooky social experiment scheme. Watch yourselves, men."
Are you looking for a list in order of preference, or just a grab-bag?
Does the list have to be in order, like a proper "Top 20", or doesn't it matter just as long as we list 20 films?
I don't want to get this wrong and ruin the whole thing.
I'm planning on watching Martyrs tommorrow night, so I guess I'll hold off my list-making until then. Although I might yet end up wussing out and postponing it, after all I've heard about how horrifying it is.
Ooooh, 20? This is going to be tough, but I believe I'm up to the challenge. Plus, any excuse for a distraction from work.
Ms. Ponder, I ask you, can we put these films in random order? Or do you need them to be ranked, m'dear?
Just a plain ol' list or would you like some sorta brief justification for the choices? I mean, if I were to include "Leprechaun 4: In Space" I'm guessing you might wanna know why!
Order and justification matter not! I'll edit the post to reflect such.
I'm so weirdly intrigued by what this will bring. I really hope the end result involves candy corn.
Damn it! I feel like I am breaking up with someone trying to figure out this list.
Oh my God, oh my God, some kind of Halloweeny surprise! I better go write down 20 movies post haste and send those babies in! Yay horror democracy.
This is one of those situations where a list made in haste becomes a personal source of neverending regret.
Still, it was fun!
I love how tortured everyone is! :D It's so hard to choose but 20. My top 20 is always changing.
I should edit to add "no takesies-backsies"!
SENT! Anyone else get the feeling they'll spend the next few days thinking of movies they wish they'd put on their list?
Thanks for the clarification, Stacie.
My top 16 are locked in. Now, about a dozen films are fighting for the last 4 positions in my list.
Whoa! Donkey Punch just donkey punched Child's Play... it's gettin' ugly.
Hey Stacie, how strict are you being on the definition of "horror"? Would something like Se7en count, for example?
"Hey Stacie, how strict are you being on the definition of "horror"?"
Oh, it's vague- or, I should say, it's whatever you want it to be. Any film YOU consider to be horror. I've gotten some interesting choices, that's for sure!
My current top twenty as of right this second are coming to you!
By the wonders of modern science and technology, my list will have been with you minutes ago! Have to say that it ended up a bit bog-standard (apart from the bias to the zombies!). I'm sure there are many I've neglected but I do stand by my list. I dunno about art....
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