...that tonight's episode of
The Scare-ening will feature the legendary Joe Bob Briggs*. I think you should call in to talk to him- I mean, it's a live program and he's contractually obligated** to take your calls. You can also log into the show's chat room to ask questions if that's more your style.

8pm PST/11pm EST- be there
and be square!
* If you
don't know who Joe Bob Briggs is, I'm not sure we have anything left to say to each other.
**not true
Yay Joe Bob Briggs! Looking forward to this!-Unk
Do you think he would get upset if I ask him why he was cut out of Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2? I never know where the line is with celebrities. I made Kevin Costner mad trying to shake his hand. I never knew chronic masturbators were so "touchy" about their hands.
Omg I remember him!! The copy I have of Poltergeist has him doing commentary that he was sick of hearing "Carol Ann" every 5 minutes! Ohh this is awesome! He rocked!
Feel free to ask him anything!
Oh I can't wait. My yoga instructor roommates are holding a hare krishna singalong in my apartment at the same time I'll be listening to this. It'll make an interesting contrast.
I logged in just in time to hear you say good bye. It was AWESOME! :)
It really sucks that this is on the one weeknight I have to work. Can Joe Bob do something about that?
Oh, man! We're gonna have him on again for sure. We could have him on for 100 episodes and there'd still be so much to talk about.
That was great fun. When is it going to be available on Blogtalkradio to listen to? I want to hear how idiotic I sound on the air, lol. ;)
You were great! It should be up within the hour. Doesn't take long, usually...
That was awesome. What a voice Joe Bob Briggs has, and what a blast this latest episode was.
I, for one, would be more than happy to purchase a (second) copy of Texas Chainsaw Massacre if it included an audio commentary by JBB.
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