The Film Club post on Black Sabbath is coming, but not until later! I was totally out of commission yesterday because for some reason, technology has been doing nothing but pooping on my neck since I got back from vacation. In a space of ten days, my internet has gone out for days; my computer crashed hard enough to require actual, you know, fixing; my fucking Xbox fucking DIED DIED FUCKING DIED TWO DAYS BEFORE MASS EFFECT 2 WAS RELEASED (as you can see, I feel strongly about that); and AT & T has totally screwed up the big switch from DSL to Fiber Optic Whatever Whatever here at Casa de Final Girl and CoHabiTron 3000, leaving us without phone, internet, or TV for going on two days now. I'm writing this on World's First Laptop (now: featuring a battery that lasts 15 minutes!), which means the FGFC post will have to wait until my home internet issues are resolved- which should happen ANY MINUTE NOW or...well, I'd say "or else!" but I'm unsure what the repercussions would actually entail.
Why technology has suddenly turned on me, I have no idea. Word of warning, though: if it continues, I may become some sort of neo-Luddite. Don't worry, this doesn't mean I'll stop writing Final Girl! It just means I'll have to write it all out on paper and we'll have to mail entries to one another like a chain letter. Sure, the last person on the list may not read a post until 27 months after I've written it, but it's better than nothing (maybe). Don't blame me, blame...TECHNOLOGY. Or AT & T.

Glad you are OK! I was afraid you had been injured, or worse, had decided all our posts were terrible this month and not deserving of linkage! Hope your tech situation gets well soon...
I have been going through something similar here, hence the uber-complicated life I mentioned.
that would be so cool, if blogs went all old school, like chain letters.
would take for frickin every but it would be coolio!
Yeah... I am glad you are still with us. But I know how it sucks to have all that stuff go and blow up at once. So, my sympathies and all.
I toss the line "Fuck AT&T!" in everything I write... it never fails to get a cheer.
Sorry for laughing, but that picture is just too perfect. The notion that Julie Christie spends her mornings nowadays Netflixing horror films and playing X-Box in her bathrobe makes me giggle.
Instead of sending out chain letters, you could start a party line:
Hi, "Black Sabbath" was a good choice; glad I got to see it.
I was busy and just put up my review at RJ Battles
it's at http://rjbattles.blogspot.com/
Looking forward to reading your review.
later, RJ
Tech meltdowns = bad
slightly altered Demon Seed pic = good
Hope everything works out for you sooner (and cheaper) than later..
Darn internet. It just *knows* when you need it the most, then fucks off.
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