If you are super wicked astute, you will notice that I just darkened the pencils rather than inking the strip. This was my effort to give the comic an old-timey, vintage feel.
That, or I was just feeling lazy. Either way, clicking makes 'em big!

Film Club Coolies, y'all!
Nilbog Milk
Creature Cast
Slammed & Damned
Invasion of the B-Movies
Zombie Cupcake
Hey! Look Behind You!
The Verdant Dude
Mike Petrik
The Deadly Doll's House of Horror Nonsense
In One Ear...
Pussy Goes Grrr
Movie Reviews and Everything Else
Mother Firefly's Faster Pussycats
Things That Don't Suck
The United Provinces of Ivanlandia
Mermaid Heather (she's back...one of us! one of us!)
Emma Blackwood
Love that wall slap, and your comic is brilliant. Any chance of an encore version with Nicolas Cage beating and kicking women and screaming about bees?
Ha, thanks!
Hmm...a comic of the remake...of course, that would mean that I'd have to actually WATCH the remake...
Although I probably should just for masochism's sake.
for that i think i love you and if i wernt gay id totally have ur babies!!!!
Who is this new blog owner? How's the afterlife? What's it like to die in a Wicker Man? Was this your first time seeing the Wicker Man? OH CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!
All these horror movie remakes, all the post-modern, self-aware horror movies about horror movies, and yet not ONE of them includes the phrase "I'm Christopher FUCKING Lee!"?
For shame. For shame.
Don't do it! :P
Ms. P, rather than lazy, I choose to think of you as overly ambitious. You're welcome.
Nice work on The Wicker Man logo!
And that's SIR Christopher fucking Lee to you, my dear.
Awesome comic and awesome reviews! I had forgotten about the creepy dead dwarf he found in the coffin until someone mentioned it. Excellent.
Theron, the logo is actually grabbed from a poster or something- like I did with The Devil's Rain. It's just not so obvious this time.
Wait! I mean...thanks! I take full credit.
Also, I'm writing this from beyonnnnnd the graaaaaaveeeeee...ooooohhhhhh...
Even death cannot keep me away from FG!
Love the comic, I hope you post some more of them in the future!
For me, the Wicker Man is just a great indictment of all religion in general. Howie thinks the pagans are weirdos, but are their rituals and beliefs any weirder than what goes on in church on Sundays? "You island people are nuts! Why don't you come to a real church with me where we can all drink the pretend blood of a 2,000 year old undead carpenter?"
Plus, just like most religious people here in the states, the islanders cannot be reasoned with. Anyone who's ever argued with a fundie about religion knows that they just won't listen to any logic or reason, and the pagans are just as sure of what they believe as Howie is of his beliefs. In the end, neither is more right or wrong than the other.
Cartoon reviews = The Best. And I doubt we've seen the last of your fluffy-haired nemesis. Single White Female Sketches rarely stop after just one sacrifice...
Neil, you're spot on. Not sure how ritual cannibalism is any less weird than dancing naked around a fire, really...
Oh and by the way thank you for mentioning the Salmon of Knowledge. I made a note whilst watching with a little ":D!" next to it, but couldn't find an apt place for it in my review!
Great comic!
Seriously, the Nic Cage remake is so unbelievably worth it if it meant new comic. Think of how much fun it will be to sketch his head wearing a giant bee cage! And a stick figure dressed as a bear, kickboxing women? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?
I watched this on TCM recently...
I must have seen this on normal TV the first time in the Wayback... I was totally surprised by Britt Ekland's naked slappy-dance.
All in all it was a better movie than I'd remembered it being... how often does that happen?
I've seen this so many times (including channel 9 in LA and the Art Theater in Long Beach -- I go way back) but the ending of your comic was truly a shock. Sure, burn the virgin Christian guy but NO!!! NOT FINAL GIRL!!! AHHHH!
Fifty more and you've got a book!
All I can say about the slappy dance is that poor ol' Howie making through that with his virginity intact is a pretty damn' good argument for Darwinism.
Eh, she deserved it- she was a witch!
I love that it's become the "slappy dance". So good.
Lovely review, but why no little dedication to the Equalizer himself who passed away recently? I thought he at least deserved a little mention.
I count myself so lucky that I never got to see The Wicker Man till I was of an age where I could appreciate it fully yet still not know the ending! Hurray, I got to feel the full downer of the piece. Though he was something of a self righteous cock. Then again he was trying to save a little girl. Ooh, so torn! Human Sacrifice - good or bad?
Also, Nic Cage screaming the bees are in his eyes when the cgi boys have not bothered to put any anywhere near his eyes was the highlight of the remake for me, though the film is chock a block full of such hilarity.
Fantastic post!!
we'll all miss the great edward woodward... hardy is busy shooting the sequel now, the wicker tree
I'd love to see all your reviews-done-as-comic-strips collected into a comic book---cheap newsprint, ads for x-ray specs, the whole deal.
Is it just a coincidence that the woman at the beginning looks strangely like Lucille Benson? Or is Lucille deliberately trying to sabotage this installment of the Final Girl Film Club from beyond the grave?
I meant the woman at the beginning of your comic, not The Wicker Man. :)
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