Final Girl here with a helpful reminder: Monday is Film Club Day!!
I am soooooo psyched to dig into The Antichrist (aka The Tempter) this weekend. I hope you are, too.
I also hope that we emerge on the other side just a little bit...off-center. At least we'll be together!
Netflix FINALLY sent it to me yesterday, so I should have it at home waiting for me tonight. Phew! I was worried; I'd had it sitting at the top of my queue since you announced it way back when and was dogged for weeks with the cursed "Long Wait" message of doom.
That was a fascinating tale, no?
I have a similarly fascinating tale (which I seem very proud of).
I thought I was being clever and decided to actually buy the film cheaply on Amazon. Which I did. But they sent me some Linda Blair movie instead. But they acknowledged the error and sent me The Antichrist, which just arrived...
SO, that my fascination for the communal pot.
ACK! Of course I spoke too soon and the DVD from Netflix arrives SPLIT INTO SHARDS. Curse ye gods!
Netflix is doing its best to thwart my attempts to even see the movie let alone review it. At this point I think I'm going to have to resort to watching the trailer on YouTube and making smart ass remarks about it.
Actually, that sounds like fun now that I think of it...
Jason I was so excited for you to take part this time!! Stupid Netflix! Unless it was SATAN HIMSELF who smashed the DVD...in which case, STUPID SATAN!
i have now seen Anti-Christ, and i can say without equivocation it is by far the BEST film ever to feature a scene of a woman giving a goat a rim-job.
and i stand by that--i don't care what Pauline Kael says.
Well I should have it by Tuesday so I will do something with it next week, I guess. It's like gym class all over again! :(
So happy you are doing this one -- and I want a whole week of EXORCIST knock-offs while you're at it.
I look forward to your blog on the rim job scene. It changed my life.
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