Check it, kids- from Casey at the superfine blog
Cinema Fromage comes this Ridiculous Face of Death...I give you a shot from

Now, I haven't seen
Frankenhooker since a midnight showing back in college so I can't tell you this dude's name- in fact, all I remember is the line "Oh, Jeffrey...jumbo heaven!" 'cause that's a line you just don't forget. I know that movie is goofy as hell, but even so I'd think Emperor Palpatine-style lightning shooting through your head
might make you do more than frown and cross your eyes.
Jumbo heaven, indeed!
I wouldn't call this ridiculous...I thinks he's HOT...I mean how many people can be members of the "blue flame club" with the flame coming from your ears???
"Frankenhooker" might just be one of the Perfect Movies...I mean, just the title alone, right?
Oh but it is one of the Perfect Movies! Exploding hookers, boobs, mad scientists living with their could you go wrong?
"What are you, some kind of Swede? You're talking to me in Swedish in Times Square!"
You know, that IS a pretty funny picture, but i'm more taken aback by those pictures you've posted from more serious fare like HALLOWEEN. I mean, this shot seems in keeping with the tone from something like FRANKENHOOKER, you know what I mean?
PS. hey, Theron...
Was that you that left a 'thanks" on my blog a little while back?
If so, you're quite welcome, because I meant it...
if not, then, uh, crap. I have no idea who to "you're welcome", because I've used up all my detective skills...
Yeah, that was me. The "thanks" was for agreeing that people comitting cell phone abuse should be banned from theaters (first offense). We go lightly on the cellular hooligans. We have to set an example.
And it's not just taking/making call...even opening them up to check messages needs to be stopped. Many is the time I've had a bright shaft of blue light blind me in the middle of a flick because some person has flipped open their phone to see if they are in demand. Ooooh, that just burns me up. Stupid kids and their cell phones and rock music...
Frankenhooker is one of my all-time favorite movies, and it deserves a review far beyond a "Ridiculous Faces Of Death" mention.
"This SUPER CRACK will get the job done!"
-Dayna Abel
P.S. I'm pretty sure that guy didn't have a name. He just picked up Frankenhooker at a bar.
I find myself in a tight situation here: which is funnier? this face of death? or Aylmer's face of death in Brain Damage?
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